I don't think it's fair for me to give this game a negative score based on one playthrough I did roughly ten years ago, but I absolutely hated playing this game as a teen when the show was wrapping up.

I've replayed this game a couple of times as an adult, and it's still a great game (especially since you're allowed to skip most missions if you fail too many times). I'll admit there's some frustrating missions (especially level 6, mission 6), but it's a lot of fun, not to mention hilarious.

I even went back and completed my childhood save file. That's not me finishing the main objective on my childhood save file. I mean the save file was mostly finished, and I took out the final "level gags" and wasp cameras, so yes, I have a save file with 100% completion.

I bought all the Humongous Entertainment games on Steam a year or so ago. This game is one of the point and click games from my childhood that has never left my consciousness. So iconic!

I gave this game four stars out of five. For a Humongous Entertainment game, this is probably five stars, but in today's world (and with me being a grown adult), I'd give it three stars.

I desperately wish I could replay the PC version, but sadly, I've heard it doesn't work with Windows virtual machines. Maybe one day, I'll get to experience it again. I remember loving it as a child. I did complete the game once as a child.

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I didn't know it was possible for a video game to make me feel the way Deltarune Chapter 2 has!