9 reviews liked by ReginaldCosmic

it has Peter Griffin and Hank Hill, what more could you want??

My second ever pokemon game, the true kanto experience , without the janky brokenness of the original games, Pokemon firered and leafgreen have a special place in my heart.
This game makes you feel like the anime protagonist ash on his first journey through kanto, the evil team is team rocket, the gym leaders are the same, the roster is the same. Legendaries are rare and feel legendary.
The music feels epic during battles and the story is acceptable made great by the anime and nostalgia.
The game just is what pokemania is all about. A cosy creature collector and turn based battler that spawned the greatest media franchise of all time.
Do try this game and experience a bit of gaming history and fall in love with this undying franchise of fun and discovery (and strategy in the battles ofcourse if you intend to test your mettle against other people).
This is where it all began for me and many others and you will see that most of us will harbor great fondness for this generation of pokemon games.

The PC version of this game is a very clunky but strangely compelling genre-melding sandbox game with an ending cutscene that I'm 99% sure is just an extended reference to the final scene of Evangelion. How Jimmy Neutron of all things has a game like this is deeply confusing to me, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the nostalgia that comes with it as a result.

It's full of classic licensed kids' game weirdness. Jimmy is a genius human child with a head so large his center of mass must be roughly nose-high, so naturally he moves around with third-person tank controls. The world is filled with multiple categories of collectables drawn from the series' early iconography, all ultimately worthless to varying degrees. The main voice cast reprises their roles, but they sound... off. It's like they were asked to have really slow, flat delivery so it could be heavily compressed for some technical reason and still be intelligible afterward. Most of the characters are at least a teensy bit unnerving to look at. You get the picture.

What really makes this game so unique is the gadgets. Some of Jimmy's inventions are in the game as unlockable items that work as both abilities that open up new areas and weird physics toys/alternative movement systems. A baseball shooter that lets you hit things from a distance, equally useful for puzzle solving and screwing around with the carnival games at the amusement park. A giant bubble that makes you bounce around like you're chaining long jumps in Mario 64 and protects you from environmental hazards on the ground while you're doing it. A grappling hook that attaches to most surfaces and can be detached and re-attached multiple times in mid-air. Every single one is fun to screw around with in its own way. And since all these gadgets can be used pretty much whenever and wherever you want once you've found them, the experience is weirdly open ended for what is essentially just a sequence of people telling you to to from point A to point B and back over and over again.

Like, take a look at the power plant level toward the end of the game. All you need to do in this level is hit a bunch of switches so you can hit the switches next to them, then go into the room at the top and pick up the plutonium. But the overengineered mechanics of this game give you so much freedom to goof off within that structure that the blandness of your objectives isn't as much of a weakness as it could be.

I'm not going to lie, there are parts of this game that are truly miserable. The mandatory rocket segments immediately come to mind, as does most of the time you spend in the alien ships. But the game is super short and has some neat ideas, so I think it's worth a look if you like trying odd stuff and can manage to get it running on modern hardware.

idgaf what any of yall say PC version was ahead of its time

Pretty good! A bit easy for my tastes, but the movement was tight enough to keep me engaged till the end. Would love to see a sequel reach new heights!

As a longtime Sonic fan looking to find another fun underrated experience, I can tell you right now: ain't one to be found here. Just play Sonic 3 or CD or something. The special stages are disorienting and frustrating, the combi-ring is limiting and makes navigating the awfully designed levels even more annoying than it normally would be.

This game excels at presentation. It looks really good, and the music is great. That's it! Listen to the soundtrack for the optimal Knuckles' Chaotix experience.

If I had a nickle for every Simpsons game I played but stopped because the last mission was too hard, I would have 2 nickles, wich is not enough to buy more Simpsons games.