Best game ever made. Made complete when you edit the pictures and music. 15 naked cowboys at Ram Ranch >>>> Coronation Theme

You know when you play furry dating simulators with the boys ironically am I right?!

The Riddler in the other games : "Riddle me this Batman! Find my trophies by solving my riddles!

The Riddler in Arkham Knight : "Riddle me this Batman!...........Drive!

The game is trash but it gave us an amazing E3 presentation so I think it was worth it

I love that feeling when a friend really hypes up a multiplayer experience and it ends up being the biggest pile of dogshit I've ever played

Look, it looks really pretty but if you're going to give the players an immersive experience over being a more conventional game then that experience has to be more than just a room with music lmao

Really cool use of space but just boils down to a bit of an empty experience. There are lots of random annoying music jumpscares even though nothings happening, it sort of ruins the spook factor