Absolute steaming hunk of shit, Ken Levine is a hack. Doesn't even have the benefit of being fun like the first one thanks to a two weapon limit like we're in 2006 and the complete neutering of plasmids.

Le glorified demo meme. At least this one was actually finished.

Narratively it has ambitions that it doesn't quite follow through on, but seeing the potential in what they were going for is good enough for me, personally. Also that fucking HEALTH soundtrack slaps.

The first multiplayer FPS I was ever good enough at that I was accused of cheating. I'll never forget.

Honestly? Bring it back. I know it's not what people wanted (myself included) for a new Legacy of Kain title but it was fun!

I have an embarassing number of hours in this game, as it was the first 2k WWE game to come to PC and I went nuts with the character creator trying to make a videogame league.

Has a much bigger emphasis on worldbuilding and creating a coherent fantasy realm than on character writing or narrative, which is super not for me.

The fact that the devs are a-okay with pedophilia completely ruins it for me, which would be less of a problem if their horrid politics on the matter didn't run through the game itself too.

The fact that they released a game that was literally not finished, and everyone praised it anyway, is picture proof that this industry is fucked.