My time with Inside may have been brief, but it left a positive impression. As a 2.5D platform game, the aim was to progress from left to right into increasingly dangerous terrain, with various obstacles to overcome. The puzzles were physics based and the story largely ambiguous, depending on the setting to tell a wordless narrative. I was invested for its entirety, absorbing the dread that mounted from the beginning. The whole package was a pleasure to sit through, the scares more quiet and subtle as opposed to aggressive—parasitic worms, murderous sirens and a grand finale of body horror that came as a delightful surprise.

As far as indie games go with hits and misses, this one I'd consider a gem that didn't overstay its welcome, but rather offered a few hours of immaculately designed gameplay.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023

1 Comment

8 months ago

I very much agree with you. Now, I understand people being completely passionate about him, but I don't think he's that amazing.