This patch rocked, legitimately really excited to get into Heavensward after this


Pretty solid end to this chapter of the story, seeing stormblood finally behind us in a sense feels weird but I feel like this was a solid end with an insanely well done final trial for it. Onwards to Shadowbringers


Wow this prelude really starts off strong. Drops a ton of interesting lore for the world, has an extremely strong hook for Shadowbringers, and had a pretty solid dungeon. Really looking forward to Shadowbringers now, moreso than I was before


I cried 3 times during this patch idk how this game got to me this hard but good on it for achieving that


Really solid gameplay with an abysmal story.


Really cool detective game, really enjoyed the loop! it had a really good tone and sense of unease going on with it as well. Definitely recommend checking this out


Hope this leads to a new F-Zero game, but honestly this one is pretty cool and feels very in the spirit of F-Zero


This game just gets worse the further in you go on, I am in absolute disbelief at how much both phases of the final boss suck. Everything leading up to that isn't exactly great either


Purely in shock at how fun and creative this game is, did not expect that from a 2d mario made after Super. Would be my favorite 2d Mario probably if the final boss didn't mess with my photosensitivity as much as it did


I want to love this game. Skyrim is one of my all time favorite games and I’m nicer on bethesda’s fallouts than most. But the main thing I like about those games, being able to truly explore to my heart’s content when i see something off in the distance, just isn’t here. In skyrim when you try heading towards a town you heard about at an inn all sorts of things can happen to you on your way there. Bandit attacks, merchant caravans, a dragon attack, etc. Here, you get in your ship, pick a place to fast travel to, maybe have a random dog fight in orbit, and then land in a self contained area.

I like the other aspects of the game a lot like the rpg elements, the ship fights, and the companions, so I can’t say the game is outright bad. I however will say its completely missing the part of bethesda games I liked, which was being able to go somewhere and have an adventure while going there. Not just while I’m there.


This game gets spiderman in a way the first one didn't, its an amazing spiderman story and I loved the gameplay improvements. Only things holding it back in my opinion are how many glitches it has and the suit selection being a lot worse than the first. Really wish there weren't a million movie suits. Anyway amazing game


one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played ngl. So simple but so damn addicting.


So long gundam evolution, I had fun being able to feel like I was really guntank. Being serious though I Feel like this game could have been a really cool if it had better maps and just a bit more going on. Shame that every hero shooter has gone down the drain now in one form or another


This game rules, would have rated it higher if death and his stupid hallway didn’t exist. Surprised by how much I enjoyed this game, definitely need to check out the other castlevania’s now that I’ve played this


Wow those squirrels sure got stapled
