3 Reviews liked by Retr0Chris

This was obviously supposed to be a shitty live service game but WB got shook by how Avengers was received lmao

I really wanted this to be good but unfortunately I ended up getting a game that was clearly going to be a game as a service but pivoted once Marvels Avengers bombed.

Theres a lot wrong with the game, the level system, messy UI, crafting materials out the ass, lazy missions, repeated locations, boring story. I think the things that annoy me most are the levels, location, and story. The game is set up on a leveling system, complete missions to get xp to level up. Missions will generally give you a recommended rough estimate on what level to be to tackle that mission, which sounds useful so you don't end up fighting a damage sponge boss, but YOU DO. Boss fights are nearly always 1-3 levels higher than you, regardless of the recommended level for the mission. Then there are the locations in the game. A lot of the game is spent in Gothams map doing general side quests as they pop up but they just repeat the same locations each time. Idk how many times I went to the 8 bit bar or the dock up north. Then theres the plot and oml, I can't believe how dirty they did the Court of Owls. Without getting into specifics, the game has 8 main missions, most of which are split into 2 parts. The Court of Owls stuff mostly happens from mission 2 to mission 6. You could legitimately remove those missions and the overall plot does not change since only the first and last mission seem to actually matter. It wouldn't be so bad if that middle section with the Court was good but its just so generic and bland.

That all being said, the game isn't completely god awful. Its not very long, probably around 15 hours or so depending how much side content you do, and while not as pleasing as Gotham in the Arkham games, I grew to like this design of Gotham City more than I initially did. I don't think the game uses Batman's rouges gallery nearly enough as it should, but the few villains we did get I liked this games take on most of them. I also didn't hate the knights themselves, I only really played as 2 of them but they were fine. Combat itself overall isn't great, it does improve as you get more abilities but not having a counter mechanic really starts to hurt towards the end of the game as you just have to spam dodge roll against so many enemy types. Speaking of, it does also do a decent job of introducing different enemy types throughout the game.

Overall, unless you plan to play this co-op or something, I'd just advise you play one of the Arkham games, they are all better than this.

Funnily enough it is actually better than the original. Maybe wait for a sale but if you buy this you know exactly what you're getting yourself into.