This game is mostly positive, lots of fun and visually it looks amazing. The level design is very top notch too!

The story is probably my main downside, with an ending that feels very rushed and kind of disappointing. The third act is very weird and confusing.

Other than that had a great time!

Very fun for a little while but starts feeling dull after an 8 hour playthrough. Probably going to stick to just one playthroug

The most fun I’ve had with a side scrolling Mario game in YEARS. Love the ways they change up the series, the level design in this one is much better.

While this was very fun, I wouldn’t put it in my all time favorite Mario games. I also think there could’ve been more content for this game. Finished it in just over 10 hours and felt like it could’ve been so much bigger.

While the game offers a satisfying ending to two of its most iconic characters EVER, the bits in between it make this game feel very hollow and empty. Desmond’s story is just straight up sad in this when you compare it to previous entries.

Gameplay is very good and most of the story could be good, but when it misses the mark it misses the mark BIG TIME. Lots of filler missions.

This entry became the blueprint for the AC games yet to come and it’s clear to see why. A more fleshed out story than the first game, better combat, better visuals.

Truly one of the best AC games of all time

Although this is the first entry of the series, it feels very bare bones when comparing it to some of the other entries. Lots of receptive level design and not as many gameplay options make this entry kind of a bore.

I’ve been a huge fan of Alan Wake since its release and I was so excited to hear the series was finally getting the well deserved sequel. Remedy does not disappoint here, they have crafted an incredible survival horror game that is action packed but also incredibly written.

I’m so happy with this game!

Honestly this game is just okay.

- Multiplayer with old MW2 maps is AWESOME
- Zombies is fun at the moment

- one of the worst campaigns in cod history
- can see zombies getting repetitive
- no new warzone map at launch

It won’t be for everyone, it all depends on what you want out of a call of duty game

A very mixed bag. I think the game visually looks really good and the gameplay feels great. I just was not a huge fan of the campaign and multiplayer, something just feels missing.

A really fun and polished game, but ultimately there isn’t enough here to make me keep playing. Super fun with friends tho

I can’t believe how perfect this game is, the story was absolutely unreal. The new gameplay additions work so so well and really improves the experience overall. This is without a doubt, the greatest Spider-Man video game I’ve ever played. I’ll trust insomniac to do anything with the marvel brand at this point.

The beginning of the “peak” of the 2000s online multiplayer era. Halo 3 and COD was an iconic Xbox 360 duo back in the day. Even playing the multiplayer and story now, it feels like such a complete experience and I’m so happy I got to experience this as a kid. INCREDIBLE

A very good continuation of the Marvel Spider-Man’s universe. This game makes adjustments to certain aspects while also downgrading on a few others.

Notable downgrades include the lack of gadgets and interesting side missions & collectibles. Story wise, this game is fantastic and gameplay wise, this game is phenomenal. I don’t know how Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is gonna top this, but I know they will.