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GOTY '23

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The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
The Excavation of Hob's Barrow

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90% of the game is fantastic in all aspects
writing, themes, puzzles, and everything leading up to entering the barrow itself is amazing

I did get stuck on two puzzles before entering the barrow but I didn't spend much time racking my brain trying to figure out the solution

I think the subtle hints you get throughout the story and if you do replay it you'll notice more help establish a story centered in folklore akin to midsommer

The ending though was very lackluster as the character of Thomasina Bateman is completely thrown out the window as all of her logic and stoicism that is mentioned throughout the game is nonexistent in the final area

Confronted with snakes shooting energy beams, A demonic goat with spectral vision power, and hymnal tones coming from behind a door there is no real reaction from Thomasina other than we must continue forward

Even before that wen Mr.Tillet tries to explain what happened on the night of his disappearance, or right before entering when Cyril and Father Roache tell her not to excavate

Not once is there any second guessing on Thomasina's part not even an ounce of doing further research on what they're trying to tell her

I will give credit where credit is due where we normally see the good guy prevail this is not the case and while I will say the followers of Abraxas are not inherently evil, they do trick Thomasina into unleashing their god which eventually possesses Thomasina and lead us to our ending

This is worth the asking price and would love to see what else they could do (I'd personally love a mini-series set in Bewely) full price or on sale you're getting what you paid for

As I've gotten older, my disdain for this game has grown, and why I like and dislike the game has changed over time. to the point that this will most likely ever be the last time I play this game

I give a lot of credit to this game as it sets the standard for the rest of the series to come and I think this is the most Tony Hawk game it can only be matched to THUG1

The three things that I don't think will ever change
1. The selection of skaters
2. The soundtrack
3. The ((idea)) of the "pro challenges""

I don't have much to say about point one and point two
but I do wanna touch on the pro challenges

Now I'm not engrained in skate culture so I cannot attest to how accurate or significant the challenges were to the respected pro, but the game does advertise the pro challenge as something that is a highlight in that skater's career and then you get to watch a corresponding short video related to that challenge

Some of these were 1 to 1 accurate (Hawk/Burnquist/Mullins)

But then you have someone like Elissa Steamer's pro challenge on Alcatraz which is "Elissa's Super Gaps" which has her clearing gaps while doing corresponding tricks and what's the accompanying video?

3-4 minutes of mostly flat-ground flip trick to grind
And Ollie off of the ledge onto flat ground nothing I'd consider a "super gap"

Another pro challenge I wanna mention is Kareem Campbell's "Roof Gap" challenge which mentions him being the first person to kickflip the Gonz Gap

The accompanying video is half grind tricks and the other half is just different clips of him hitting his signature trick the "ghetto bird"

In a game that is created by actual people who put every rail half and quarter pipe into the game, you couldn't recreate the Gonz gap? hell the video that you unlock doesn't even include this moment

Now I understand that inherently it is a video game so if you made every "pro challenge" be oh just do these tricks until you're done that wouldn't be fun"

But if these challenges are supposed to be moments from each skater's career then they should at least relate a little to it

There are 190 goals in the game but I'd cut at least a quarter to half of them out, just like old THPS games each of the 9 levels (two of which you have to buy) all include two get-the-combo letters, one get-the-skate letters, three score challenges (high/pro/sick)

They will also include one or two comps you have to medal and every level has one or two pro challenges tied to it

I could probably write a review of just the quality of the goals but they range from butt-butt easy to mind-numbing controller eviscerating

The further you get in the game the lengths you need to go in just trying to reach a goal or hit the hitbox gets more and more irritating but they added cheats for a reason

I think if you can get past the annoying parts and you haven't played this game before then i'd say go for it as you will most likely have a decent time

However if you thinking about replaying this game I'd say don't unless you're gonna use the cheats as there's really nothing to come back to at this point when you have games like THUG1 or even THPS 1+2 Remake/Remaster

I was not a fan of this game, I don't remember much of the first one but between the terrible acting of 90% of the characters and not much in terms of "gameplay" this is an easy "watch a let's play" of a game

I couldn't figure out what to do at the very beginning of the game so I spent the majority of time discovering practically all the clues that were locked due to gameplay and sequence breaking about 50% of the game

None of the scares were really scary and I thought they could have done more with just practical scares I.E messing with the screen more or having more typing sequences and having it put scary messages rather than what you were typing

I will probably go back and clean up the other 11 achievements thanks to the guide by Hexwyn on steam