Okay-ish. Hyper Light Drifter is one of my favorite games, and this one just wasn't as engaging. Even though the movement was great and the boss fights were really fun, the mechanics feel boring by the end. I wish there was more variety. The soundtrack is really cool though, and I enjoyed the ending quite a lot. I'm now trying to beat it in the hardest difficulty, but the super-short timers are a pain in the ass.

Years after its release, I keep coming back and putting hundreds of hours in. Love this game, and Repentance was so refreshing after the previous, disastrous DLC.

Basically the best co-op game I've ever played, it's just SO fun. I love how it constantly changes its mechanics, as every chapter feels fresh and unique in its way. The story can be a little ridiculous at times but I think it contributes to how charming this game is. The voice acting is great, the characters are lovable and the mini-games & puzzles aren't overly complicated, but very fun. Just play it, it won't disappoint.

I really wanted to love this game. The first one was a unique experience, and even with its flaws and average story, the parkour was a lot of fun and I still replay it from time to time. Catalyst really improved the parkour mechanics and it feels really satisfying to jump from building to building, but that's about everything positive I can say about it.

Making this an open-world game was a mistake. The world is filled with pointless tasks and collectibles that I guess were intended to contribute to the story, but honestly, who even has the time to read them? The story is boring and says nothing new, and I know I'm supposed to be invested in the characters but I simply don't care at all.

Racing is OK, although it got old really fast for me. Covert deliveries were horrible and I avoided them like the plague as I couldn't bear to listen to the NPC say the same lines over and over after failing the task for the 10th time. Moreover, I just didn't feel like any of these tasks served any purpose other than to provide with a few more hours of repetitive content.

The fighting mechanics were simple but satisfying, and I'm really grateful they got rid of the awkward weapon shooting the original had.

The ending is simply "meh", although I have to say I really enjoyed climbing that last section of the game.

The graphics are beautiful and I love the modern feel of everything, but overall it was a disappointment. I think this game would've been so much better if it were more simple and the devs had just focused on what it does great (parkour) instead of trying to replicate what was "trendy" at the time of its release (open worlds filled with stupid shit to do, Assassin's Creed-style).

I hate big bodies of water and the "nothingness". This game knows exactly how to scare the shit out of me. I had an unfortunate encounter with a mesmer at 3 AM that made me turn off my PS5. I've also never run faster than after stepping into the Void and hearing the PDA go "Are you certain what you are doing is worth it?". I really love the eerie feeling this game has, especially on the earlier hours of a playthrough. Sadly, this kinda starts to fade away when you get some upgrades (and with that I mean the prawn suit). Game isn't as creepy when I can punch a Reaper Leviathan on the mouth, but it's still fun nonetheless.

There's some things about it I dislike (clunky menus, not being able to pin recipes, etc) but I'm pretty sure they were fixed on the sequel. I remember it having loads of bugs and performance issues on the PC, but it runs surprisingly well on the PS5. Overall, it was a really enjoyable experience.