3 reviews liked by Ricutor

A love letter to Playstation, made by Playstation. I knew I was going to have a fun time because of the coverage the game has gotten, but I was still surprised.

♫ I'm you GPU! GPU! Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it for you! ♫

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What an absolute delight. I have not played Astro Bot Rescue Mission prior to writing this review, so this is my first experience with a game by ASOBI Team and I was thoroughly impressed.

While short, Astro's Playroom packs in so much love and nostalgia. It's rare that I think a game genuinely deserves to be called "A celebration of ____", but this game is absolutely just that. Seeing that museum come together as you find collectables is incredible. The fact that Sony was willing to let ASOBI show off the Eyetoy or the PSP Go was really cool, and it felt like a genuine effort was made to really show off all that PlayStation has come to represent over these past few decades.

But above all that, Astro's Playroom is just a great platformer. The controls are silky smooth, the enemy design is unique and charming, and the controller gimmicks are very well-integrated and above all just fun to play.

I would have spent money on this, which is perhaps the best compliment you can give a pack-in title like this.