12 reviews liked by Rikumaru1000

If you ignore the story mode, it was a pretty good game all things considered. Nanako stole the spotlight of course.

Frog Detective is probably one of the most relatable main characters I've ever seen. But besides that, this game is really cute and fun. It's not a long game, but it tells you that before you even buy it, The mystery? Pretty mysterious I'll say, I'd highly suggest you purchase this game and the sequel before the third instalment released.

I've always wanted to play one of these games because they always looked fun, and believe this game was, but it had so many faults that kept me from fully enjoying myself. For one, the controls suck, there's no need for having you use both sticks just making it harder to look around, and forget trying the dash move, you'll just waste your time trying to use it. Really wasn't a fan of how the slightest bump could toss items off the Katamari, but sometimes a hard bump wouldn't, and countless times I got stuck and just had to watch as my item count just depleted.

Another classic Frog Detective story, but this time in a much cooler setting, big fan of the notebook inclusion and Lobster Cop lore. Very looking forward to the next instalment.

This game has really good art of the characters.
Really hot art.
Hot girl art.
hot girl in swimsuits art.
They really gave everyone a fat ass and fat tits.

I'm so fucking glad all the wait for this game was worth it, Uchikoshi the mad man did it again, another incredible game going onto the favourites list, At first I thought it felt a bit slow but it quickly became an amazing adventure, all the new characters were great, I love Kizuna and how her story played and how seriously the game took her while other games would've used her for "jokes" aimed at her. I loved the grown up designs, especially Iris I love her new outfit, even Ota, but that doesn't mean I like him still. Lien was great, Tokiko was great, Chikara was great, it was so great.

And a bonus I LOVE how pro-LGBTQ+ the game is, Pewter is still a favourite and I'm glad he came back. literally everything I haven't mentioned I most likely adored.

The only reason it isn't half a star is because it made me throw up laughing, not with it but at it. Perfect game with a bunch of drunk friends.



I had a really fun and emotional time playing this game, the characters, writing and story all hit very deep and I genuinely cared for them all, my only criticism is that there's so much optional content that is so hard to find, and if you miss the small window to find it then your locked out forever unless you restart, how was I suppose to know there was a tutor flyer on this random back wall in the mall or some guy at midnight in the games store needed help with a gift, it was a bit infuriating, the mechanics took a bit to get used to but once I found a style that worked for me the game flew by pretty quick. I only played this game because I got a free month of pc game pass but I'll definitely to buying this game in the future to see all of its content, with a guide of course.

This game makes you really feel like a white guy who dresses up as a spider-man who shoots spider cum from his wrists. This doesn't get a 10/10 because the webs aren't natural like the GOAT Tobey Maguire.

Samurais are fun and this game is fun too. Really makes you want to know about the island of Tsushima.