Hearing my brother scream in rage while playing this game is some of my favorite memories

I only played it because I needed to do some Blizzard bullshit to unlock the Oni Genji and Police D.va Overwatch skins
Then 6 months later they just made it purchasable with in game currency anyway

Hey you liked WA2 introductory chapter? Well let's shove it down your fucking throat for 40 more hours before you can actually progress the story in a meaningful way.

Skipping to Mask of Truth, gonna use my imagination to fill in whatever the fuck happened here

The Crossy Road to white supremacist pipeline is real guys trust me

I had to delete this off my phone because it made my grades drop

I had it on the Amazon Fire tablet, which for some reason let me get infinite in game cash, so I played it with every single stupid cosmetic
Fun times

RE4 fans playing the same game over and over again

No matter how many entries this "game" has on the highest avg. charts doesn't stop it from being a whole lotta mid

Animated trainer and Pokémon sprites, new added areas that are seamlessly added to the old region, awesome new tracks and remixes to old tracks, a plot that enhances upon the previous entry's barebone thematic and narrative structure, character development based on the 2 year time skip that gives added depth to the ENTIRE CAST!!!
THE MOTHERFUCKING PWT!!! And most importantly, ROSA'S ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't call this game anything other than a gift, oh and a masterpiece 5 STARS

I believe in Umineko Project supremacy

Tmw you realize your childhood was wasted studying a paywall based meta that changed every season update