I remember talking with a friend in a highschool hallway when I said "Realm of the Mad God fucking sucks" and some random guy came up to me and actually said "What the fuck did you say about Realm of the Mad God?" to which I ran away cause the dude was like a foot taller than me and ready to beat my ass

I remember changing the clock to get a new Pokémon for HOURS because someone at school said you could get a Mew in that game
Needless to say I never got a Mew and those are hours I will never get back

This game elicits the strongest physical reaction out of me than any other work of fiction has ever done in my entire life. It draws out sweat, tears, screams of joy and heartbreak. It draws me in a holds me tight, only to throw me hard back to the 'Game Over' screen. Any game that can do that with such finesse should clearly and easily be called a masterpiece, and Imperishable Night is one of those games.

The "my parents took away all the cartridges so I have to play the free online downloadable 3DS games" game

I only played it because I needed to do some Blizzard bullshit to unlock the Oni Genji and Police D.va Overwatch skins
Then 6 months later they just made it purchasable with in game currency anyway

Hearing my brother scream in rage while playing this game is some of my favorite memories

Well I guess the obsession actually stuck this time, you might actually find me on the smogon forums from back in highschool when I was really far gone
I still have it bookmarked when I go back every now and then for some random battle goodness, good times

They fucking sold physical copies of this game for money

Oh the game? Yeah it's fine

More realistic political commentary than MGS3

Look at how they massacred my boy

New plants, new zombies, new stage designs, cleaner art style, and is the reason Garden Warfare exists
This game is unironically a fuck ton of fun


You're the reason YIIK exist

Nathan, can you stop asking me to play 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim? How many times have I told you that I don't have a Nintendo Switch?

You buy too much Pokémon Trading Cards.
Now we are homeress….