14 reviews liked by RiotJammy

It's Persona 3 but I can like it without people making fun of me.

If someone put me at gunpoint and made me choose, in a rush, where do I think the concept of "JRPG" peaked, I would pick up this game in a heartbeat.

so fun .... esp when playing with other people it is so engaging & equally frustrating as i + my mom are casual gamers and we do not know what we are doing half of the time. even though sometimes ive wanted to rage quit, ive enjoyed every moment of this game so far :)

Fantastically fun and creative. The most innovative of 2D Marios so far, and I recommend everyone that also has a preference for 2D platforming to check this one out.

Completion Condition: All Wonderseeds

In a year like 2023, Mario Wonder is a breath of fresh air. Many hardcore gamers will have slogged through more then enough 100 hour games. Not to say it's short, it's levels are short and that made each and everyone more appetising to jump into. This, with the vibrant aren't style and great movement make this a perfect game to pick up and play whenever you desire. My main criticism with the game is that it was far too easy to feel rewarding. Of all the course I believe I had trouble with maybe 2? And I am by no means a Mario expert, having only finished 3D World and the original New Super Mario bros. If your looking for high technical platforming this won't be for you but this is a great game to settle between the large ones it's a good recommendation, maybe less singing next time

Protip: You can turn off the talking flower in the options or change his voice. Italian felt the best choice to me

Games like Mario Wonder are why I love video games.

Absolutely amazing opening world. Range of difficulty, fantastic art style, hidden things that are hard to find… enjoying it a lot so far!

Amazing Game, loved every second of it.
Only downside it has are the bosses... they could've done so much cooler stuff.