April, 2023




To this day Pizza Tower is a fun game, I've been following the development since back in 2019 alongside the development with AntonBlast!

I used to played this game nearly everyday when it released back in January, but now not so much. Unfortunally I burnt myself out trying to 100% the full game.

As of right now, I only need 3 more achievements to finish the game 100% but even now its a bit of a hassle to even do so, but don't get me wrong, I have picked up Pizza Tower every now and then just to play and mess around.

As of right now, I'm declaring you finished, not 100%, but finished




Having this game sit in my library for so long, I finally decide after playing and finishing Pokemon Blue to transfer the pokemon with my gameboy transfer pak would be the next step and 100% this game.

Holy Hell this game had lowkey brought out the worst in me in minutes, I'm not 100 fully versed in the Gen 1 Rules and Strats, but man this really is a tough challenge to actually beat through, so far I've beaten the Master Cup once and made it to the 5th gym tower.

Right now I have to put you away as I'm highkey growing tired of this game and losing so many times, but I will be determine to finish it in the future

March, 2023




This is it. I finally collected all 151 Pokemon!

This journey didn't take me a super long time as like other would of taken, mainly because I played it on the doduo tower in Pokemon Stadium.

But the grind to get all 151 pokemon was actually a nightmare in some instances, I didn't have a friend who had Pokemon Red so I had to Trainer-Fly glitch my way into the Red exclusives, but nonetheless I finally completed it!

Final Team



April, 2022



So being the a first fully 3D open world Kirby game there is, it is pretty fun. Don't get me wrong I'm not gonna go out of my way to replay this game again, I might just touch it every few years or so, but after 100% the game I can safely say, Its a good jab at open 3D kirby!

Though the challenges to 100% are a bit daunting, the dodging machinic really took inspiration from smash with the whole rolling and air dodging, with the added slow-mo effect when you "perfectly" dodge the attack just to retaliate

Story-wise, its your typical kirby game. Kirby gets sucked into a problem they didn't create, finds cute creature, helps cute creature, finds out cute creature is actually some demon, and saves the universe from mass chaos! Typical kirby lore


April, 2021




Such a fun battle royale concept, Too bad it was a stolen Idea from another indie developer but. overall this was a fun game with broken strats!

I hope they bring this back one day... but it no longer seems like a likely thing anymore

