Still the goat, Chun still broken and I love it

My first PS3 game and it was pretty fun. A little repetitive

Team selection: Chun, Morrigan, Blanka. Damn Blanka is oonga bonga.

Morrigan's portraits (both Capcom & SNK) are the best she ever looked. Too bad her sprites were stuck in the mid-90's.

Music slaps so fucking hard.

Played in Fukuoka G-Stage

The first game I played during the pandemic, and it was the perfect game to kill time for. I've never really played a game for 8+ hours straight for years until I played it. I was just totally engrossed with the characters, and the music was going so hard all the time.

Great music of course, but as a game, it is sorta dull. Easy platinum though.

Probably the best kickstart game I gave money to. Somehow this game gave my PS4 Pro a huge struggle on that one boss near the end of the game. The platinum was a bit of chore, but it was only a 30 hour chore. I'll always love IGA though. Drink red wine after playing this.

C-c-c-combo breaker!!!!

This game was loud AF in the arcades, and the SNES version is suprisingly good. Cinder was so broken and oonga bonga. I had the Nintendo Power cd for Killer Cuts, and I used to listen to that all the time, good music.

Bought a Japanese cart in Amsterdam. Played on Analogue Pocket.

This was a pretty good port of DKC 1 from the SNES. Of course graphics and sound are going to be crappier, but it was still super easy to get into. There were times I thought there was a secret room but just died from attempting to go in there. The voice samples for Donkey and Diddy were updated and they're pretty hilarious. One of the nice things about the GBA game is that you can save on the world at any time without Candy, and there are extra modes to play.

Played at NQ64 in Manchester.

I remember being so hyped for this game back in the day and remembering how let down I was by it. This is still pretty good, but not a great sequel. Maya is pretty cool, but I still rock my boo, Orchid.

Played at NQ64 in Manchester.

Damn Iron Man was busted. Smart Bomb Hue hue hue hue Proton Cannon! Such a scrubby character, but damn was he fun.

Played at NQ64 in Manchester.

Game still slaps. I don't think you can beat, but I got the high score at the arcade.

Best graphics on the Vita, very impressive. It's still a Killzone game however.

Played on Analogue Pocket

DKC2 still goated, but obviously if you have the chance to play the SNES version you should play the SNES version. GBA version is more washed out, has much worse sound and music (wtf happened to Rambi Rumble holy god), and the added new boss was a waste. Still had a blast playing this though, and I like having some of the QOL improvements.

Played on Analogue Pocket.

Damn this really good, one of the best remakes ever made. Even the additional second section was sick. Some of those shine spark puzzles were brutal, but felt really rewarding when getting them. 100% this mofo.