Conquest and Flashpoint missions don't work properly.

For an April Fool's Day joke, it's not fun at all, this game is actually incredibly boring, this is the sort of game that will make you go to sleep. And you're not really solving clues like in a good detective game like you do in the Ace Attorney series, instead most of time you have to do this same mini-game that soon gets repetitive.

This game looked fun at first but then I realize to find that it's way too hard and unforgiving...

Never going back to this retarded game ever again after wasting all these years playing it on and off ever since 2006... There's really no story to your character whatsoever, and that's really lame.

Gosh, this game is absolutely horrible and it's not fun, I've had survivors owning me and flashing their flashlights at me, and it's just as unplayable when playing as a survivor, I keep getting discovered too easy.

A kids game that supports BLM... 😱

Well what you know, dinosaurs in space! Awesome in concept, but awful in execution...

It has none of the already established story lore from the previous games and there's no Regina this time which really sucks, considering that it takes place in the long distant future with bland characters that nobody cares about. But what really kills the game is playing the game itself with its horrid camera angles, annoying platforming and killing the dinosaurs themselves is a real painful drag, which is made more frustrating because of the stupid camera angles!

Pity that this is the game that made the Dino Crisis series go extinct...

The game may start off easy enough but once you get into the mid levels, then it becomes unfairly brutal in difficulty. That's no fun, it's agony!!!

Pretty much the game that started Sonic's downward spiral after Sega left the console market when the Sega Dreamcast failed to compete with Sony's PlayStation 2. And so, what we got is a game that for some reason dropped the more grown-up aspects from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, thus making it more kiddy and having a very weird none-fun gimmick to the game where you have to switch between 3 different characters that are each assigned to one of the 3 character roles of Speed, Flying, and Power, and there are 4 playable teams altogether (Team Sonic, Team Dark, Team Rose and Team Chaotix) that all play the same but with minor differences, and you have to beat the game with all 4 teams. In general, how the game plays is just annoying when you have to keep switch between the 3 characters, and to be more annoying is the frigging theme song to the game...

Apparently there is also a really bad level bug that if you're not careful, you will be sent back to the beginning of the level, and the special stages just suck, it just doesn't compare to Sonic 2's special zone stages which this game poorly emulates.

And to make matters worse, this is the game where Ian Flynn got the idea of the zombots for IDW Sonic... F*** that comic!!!

The only positive thing I can say about this game is Rouge's outfit for this game, it's very nice indeed and I wished we saw it more often than just her normal outfit.

Shame that the game sucks though, it's absolutely horrid!

This game is a toxic laggy mess, just don't bother!

Too difficult to pull off all the combos...

Great for the sexy rapes, not so great for when it comes to the battles with the monster girls where you'll be clueless what to do. So, 50/50 I say.

F*** off Mickey, you evil corporate monopoly rat!