A very fun coop twin stick shooter that doesn't hold back from challenging the players with its mayhem and onslaught of enemy and friendly (!) attacks.

Things I liked:
- unique use of the D-pad through Stratagems
- community focused overarching mechanic
- responsive and snappy gameplay
- great couch/online co-op

Things I didn't like:
- connection issues
- enemy variety

Poor implementation of the seasonal mechanic while the base game still suffers from a lack of endgame. Season 3 has been improved upon with a couple patches and a mid season update, but it's still lackluster and the game needed much, much more.

Things I didn't like:
- Seneschal pet upgrading did not feel satisfying or impactful
- new chase items were implemented through a boss yet again
- no leaderboards at launch

One of the best co-op shooters I've ever experienced. The game mechanics are simple yet very nuanced, with a very deep learning curve. It's a very charming game I find myself coming back to every so often.

Things I liked:
- amazing community
- great replayability
- satisfying shooting
- charming presentation

A fun first game from the now powerhouse studio Supergiant Games. It was a great all around experience from start to finish, a well concocted mix of colorful art, music and story.

Things I liked:
- amazing soundtrack
- great narrative format

Things I didn't like:
- tools are given too fast one after the other

A great story that puts the classic Borderlands humour and absurdity to good use. Giving strong development to characters, both old and new, while also further developing the lore of the series.

Things I liked:
- compelling plot with great twists and turns
- big cast of enjoyable characters

Things I didn't like:
- stiff and poor animations
- unnecessary quick time events

I liked my time with FF1 as my first foray into the JRPG genre. Great music, good and readable visuals, and a solid foundation for what I hope will eventually become a very deep and complex series.

Things I liked:
- exploration
- soundtrack
- party system

Things I didn't like
- it becomes very easy after the first quarter
- huge difficulty spike right at the final boss