I don't personally feel any reason to come back to this version after the 2018 remake.

Not a 10/10, but the closest thing to it I've ever played.

The atmosphere is unmatched. I enjoy the gameplay loop much more than that of later Diablo games. One of my favorite games, but I know that a new game could come along one day and do everything Diablo does but better. I hope that game comes along soon.

Beautiful, interesting, and extremely replayable. Many great ideas. But it needs a sequel that fixes its few issues and improves where this game didn't have the time or money to improve.

Borderlands 2 has a really special and relaxing vibe that few games match. Being in Borderlands 2 with some friends just feels good. I also love Borderlands 2's gameplay, I just wish it had more classes, and more mechanics as crazy as Anarchist. I wish we would get another game with Borderlands's chill vibe, and fun progression and skill tree system, but with a different setting and different classes. The Borderlands setting is fun but I just want the same mechanics in new stories that aren't necessarily in the BL universe.

One of my favorite games. Although, it still has so much potential. It could really use an expanded map and more interesting locations. Could even do with multiple maps to choose from, instead of just Kentucky.

Great game with good moments, but in the end I'll probably forget I played it. Visual design felt a bit flat and nothing really wowed me. Really long game, I wanted to finish it 8 hours before I actually did. The combat is good but I was getting tired of it by the time I hit the island. With all that said, worth the $45 I spent. I wouldn't call any part of the game outright bad. It's just good.