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Rorenado finished Aliens: Colonial Marines - Stasis Interrupted
It's a DLC that's pretty lacking in punch. All told from the perspective of doomed people who were central to Hicks' attempted escape from Weyland-Yutani.

None of the characters really feel fleshed out, and the gameplay never feels all that fresh. The first mission does have one stealth section, where you can see some of the roots of Isolation peering through. In the end, however, it's all fairly easy to skip, since the characters barely matter in the long run.

Would've been nice to play AS Hicks, rather than the doomed escorts.

4 days ago

Rorenado finished Aliens: Colonial Marines
Aliens: Colonial Marines has a good premise. It seeks to continue the story from Aliens, and retcon some elements that seemed a bit lazy in Alien 3. Some of the gameplay isn't the best, but there was an attempt to make this with heart, especially by rehiring a couple of the old actors to play their original roles. The story is a fairly basic retread of Aliens, so nothing really surprising.

Some elements do not work, however. The stealth section is not really all that scary, and shoehorns in a silly xenomorph type into the game. The final boss is also just a push them out of the ship scenario, where you can actually duck and hide, which takes a lot of tension out of the fight.

Despite this, I did enjoy my time with the game. With some extra polish and testing, this could have been a great title and sequel to my favorite movie in the Alien franchise.

5 days ago

11 days ago

Rorenado finished Digital Eclipse Arcade: Q.P.I.D.
A fun, little puzzle game with a simple objective of getting hearts and saving cats, with a gravity and antigravity mechanic. Definitely a fun pick-up-and-play game.

13 days ago

Rorenado reviewed Bravely Second: The Ballad of the Three Cavaliers
A very good demo for Bravely Second that introduces some of the new jobs, with other classic jobs sprinkled in. It has its own unique story, with its own set of side quests (for extra jobs, like Red Mage). At 10 hours, it's a pretty sizable experience, and it's basically its own game.

13 days ago

Rorenado finished Rock Band Blitz
Pretty fun game for people who suck at Rock Band, like me. But seriously, a great and easy to play version of Rock Band that has a decent track list, but has a good degree of compatibility with past Rock Band DLC.

14 days ago

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