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Yakuza 3? More like YUCKuza 3!!! That's what i would've said if i disliked the game, but nah the most hated entry in the franchise that many people have told me to skip is actually goated as fuck? I did not expect that.

The costant blocking from the enemies is apparently only a problem in the remastered version, but i actually never encountered this problem during my whole playtrough, maybe it's because i played on normal difficulty?
The combat itself is really great, it might be a bit rough at the start but once you unlock more attacks and upgrades Kiryu becomes a very fun character to play as thanks to his awesome moveset, many weapons and his punches that feel satisfying. My only complaint about the combat is that you start losing heat WAY TOO FAST.

Besides the blocking another thing that Yakuza 3 gets hated for are the orphange sections, and i don't understand this complaint at all, in my opinion getting to know each kid was super awesome and they did an amazing job at making all of them memorable(Ayako is the best orphanage kid btw).

The main places of this game are kamurocho, Okinawa and morning glory. Okinawa doesn't have as many activites as kamurocho but it's a city with a very nice vibe to it, and i fricking love morning glory♥️.

The main story of the game is pretty damn exquisite. I really dig most of the characters introduced in this game.
I like characters that are your enemies at first but then become your friends a lot, so obviously i loved Rikiya and Mikio, ESPECIALLY MY GOAT RIKIYA!
I also liked Nakahara a lot and he actually becomes sworn brother with Kiryu in this game but for some reason rgg never brought him back:(
Kiryu is a great protagonist like always and i absolutely adored seeing him as a caring dad in this game, it was so heartwarming to watch a happy and peaceful side of him.

The villains in Yakuza 3 were alright i guess? Hamazaki was lame, Andre Richardson was lame and Kanda was... funny? However the main antagonist Yoshitaka Mine is actually an amazing character! It was really interesting how similar to Kiryu, he grew up as an orphan but Kiryu had people besides him growing up, but Mine had nobody and he never learned to trust people around him.

Hot take: the boss fights in this game are fricking great! This is probably the only Yakuza game where most of the bosses actually posed any sort of challenge. Joji Kazama, Goro Majima, Lau ka long, and Andre Richardson are all really awesome boss fights, but the best one is Yoshitaka Mine (this fight also introduced dynamic intros to the series and thats super cool).

My biggest complaint about this game are the stupid exposition dumps and the weak side content.

Last thing i wanna mention is that the music slaps. My favorite tracks are: fly, lyricism without tears, bruise, illtreatment, and crush and strike.

Overall i fricking LOVED this game! Great combat, awesome story, great boss fights, amazing cast of characters and great music.

What the hell is this new item mcdonalds? I was very excited to try out this new mcnugget because the original chicken mcnuggets are fucking delicious! This new one doesn't even taste like a chicken nugget, it just looks like one and it tastes very bad >:( Fuck you mcdonalds for making such a disgusting item.

I always preferred symphony of the night over aria of sorrow, but my opinion has changed... I am now part of the aria of sorrow gang💯

Anyways this is a metroidvania game where you play as the best boi Soma Cruz. Soma Cruz is just a regular dude who wanted to see a solar eclipse but he accidentally awakens in a castle with monsters and now he has to find a way to escape.

In this big ass castle you will find many different items that you can equip. You can stumble upon many weapons that have different speed, range and damage. You can also find stuff that will increase some of your stats such as armours and rings.
Something new that aria of sorrow introduces is the amazing soul system. Every enemy can drop a soul that you can equip, and these souls can change your stats, give you a new attack and give you an ability. The soul system is such an amazing new feature to the game since it makes Soma Cruz a very fun character to play as thanks to the huge variety of souls that he can equip.

The story is actually pretty memorable because of its great cast of characters. My favorite character is the GOAT Hammer who is a soldier that sells you a bunch of stuff that can be very helpful and he will buy all the items that are useless to you but obviously our protagonist Soma Cruz is also goated.

This time the castle is actually fun to explore UNLIKE A CERTAIN CASTLEVANIA CIRCLE OF THE MOON! And i barely got lost in this game because you can find castle maps which are super helpful.
Oh and the progression is very satisfying UNLIKE A CERTAIN CASTLEVANIA CIRCLE OF THE MOON!

This game probably has my favorite boss lineup in any castlevania game. There's many great boss fights such as headhunter, balore, legion, graham and chaos, but the best boss in the game is easily Julius Belmont, his fight feels like you're against another player and i love it.

The ost is obviously really good.
My favorite tracks are: heart of fire, forbidden area, you're not alone, top floor and chapel.

I don't have many complaints with the game.
The first 4 bosses of the game become normal enemies for some reason and getting the best ending for the game was pretty tedious (not as tedious as getting sotn's best ending tho) but other than that i can't think of any other complaint.

Overall this is easily the best gba castlevania game and i highly recommend it if you are looking for a good metroidvania to play.

I already made a review on Devil may cry 3 before, but it was a shit review so i deleted it and i wrote a new one.

The first devil may cry has plenty of issues but i enjoyed my time with it overall, and a good sequel could fix its issues!
Right after i beat dmc 1, i immediately jumped onto the next entry which is the one and only DEE EM CEE TWO! Dmc 2 somehow manages to be worse than the first game in literally almost every aspect.
Well after dmc 2 it was time to jump onto dmc 3.
Dmc 3 manages to improve from the previous games in pretty much every single way while also fixing many problems.

I wasn't expecting the story in this game to be so fricking awesome, mainly because the first 2 games had quite lame stories. Dante and Vergil's beef is the most intriguing part about the story, Dante is a more goofy and energetic person that cracks many jokes and Vergil is a way more serious person. Lady is a really great character that was introduced in this game, and Arkham was aight i guess, Jester is much better. The story of the game is also filled with so many memorable lines and cutscenes, a lot of the things that Dante and Vergil say are stuck in my head just like the many kewl ass cutscenes in the game.

Dmc 3 adds tons of improvements to the combat system. This time you can choose different styles that you can equip which will change Dante's moveset. The style that i used the most is swordmaster which gives Dante's melee weapons more attacks allowing you to pull off much cooler combos against enemies.

Royal guard is used for blocking enemies attacks, and blocking an enemy attack fills up a meter for a powerful attack. I only used this style for a little bit since it is very hard to learn.

Gunslinger is similar to swordmaster but instead of expanding the moveset of the melee weapons, it expands the moveset of Dante's guns.

Trickster style is used for evading enemy attacks and i think that's it? Idk i never used this style.

Quicksilver and doppelganger are 2 styles that you unlock later in the game.

Quicksilver basically slows down everything on your screen except for Dante allowing you to deal a lot of free damage to enemies, but to make it less overpowered they made it cost devil trigger energy.

Doppelganger spawns a clone of Dante that can perform attacks, and similar to quicksilver it will consume devil trigger energy.

Another thing that makes dmc 3's combat so great are obviously Dante's weapons which unlike in the previous 2 games, all of the weapons are actually unique.
Rebellion, agni & rudra and cerberus are the weapons that i found myself using the most mainly because all 3 of them are fast weapons that aren't very difficult to use.
Beowulf is a fairly slow weapon that can be a bit difficult to use, but i often equipped it right before boss fights because it can deal some really good damage.
Nevan is a very tricky weapon to use... I'll learn how to use it one day

Vergil is also a playable character which is pretty radical! Do you guys know that one meme where the boss fight is overpowered as fuck when you fight him, but when you unlock the boss as a playable character he becomes trash? Well Vergil is basically the opposite of that meme, Vergil is overpowered when you fight him, and Vergil is overpowered when you play as him.
You have access to 3 weapons which are the Yamato, Beowulf and force edge, and instead of guns Vergil only has summoned swords.

Dmc 3 has a larger variety of bosses and unlike in the 2nd game (god i hope i haven't been mentioning dmc 2 too much) they are actually good this time. Well 99% of them at least.
The worst boss of the game is easily Arkham, this boss fight had so much potential, but for some reason they made you fight this giant ass blob that spits out eels i think? But thankfully this is the only boss in the game that i would consider bad. The bosses that i enjoyed fighting the most are: agni & rudra, cerberus, jester and obviously all of the fantastic Vergil boss fights.

The music is pretty damn great!
My favorite tracks are: taste the blood, Vergil battle 1, Vergil battle 2, divine hate and devils never cry.

Personally i don't have many gripes with this game other than the terrible 18th mission with the stupid ass obligatory boss rush, and a few enemies being annoying as hell to fight.

Dmc 3 is a game that i will never get tired of no matter what, every single replay that i do is just as enjoyable as the last one thanks to its amazing combat system, and the cutscenes are way too entertaining for me to skip them on replays. Oh yeah this is kinda random but pls capcom REMAKE THE FIRST 2 DMC GAMES.
Dmc 3 gets a 10/10

Mega man and bass is often described as a very difficult and unfair game, but that wasn't gonna stop an epic gamer like me from giving the game a try. Boi am i glad i gave this game a shot because for me, this is easily a top 5 mega man game.

You get to choose between 2 characters to play as which are of course Mega man and Bass. In my playtrough i decided to play as Bass.
Bass is really fricking fun to play as! He has a dash, a double jump and his base weapon has the abilty to fire rapidly in almost all directions. The weapons that Bass acquires throughout the game are all very fun. Copy vision, lighting bolt and spread drill are my favorite weapons.

Copy vision creates a clone of Bass fires for a few seconds and then disappears, and thats cool as fuck!

Lighting bolt summons a bunch of lightings that will inflict damage on everything on your screen.

Spread drill shoots a giants ass drill tha can transform into smaller drills.

You can also buy many upgrades by using bolts acquired during levels. These upgrades are very useful and some of them are definitely worth buying to give yourself an easier time, the one that i mostly used is the one that upgrades your base weapon which is very useful for both enemies and bosses.

I was a huge of fan of the levels in this game.
Every single level is just the right lenght and all of them are unique, challenging and very fun to go through.
My favorite levels are: Magic man's stage, cold man's stage and astro man's stage.

The bosses are hit or miss. Some bosses in the game are very solid but some bosses are straight up poo poo stinkers.
King, burner man, cold man, magic man and ground man? Very great bosses and my personal favorites of this game.
King's tank, atetemino, jet king robo and green devil? EW! DOO DOO! POO POO! STINKY BOSSES!

The graphics are very nice and colourful, like seriously every single stage looks really good in my eyes.

The music is pretty great. Some of my favorite tracks include: the robot museum, king stages, boss battle and astro man stage.

So yeah i really like this game! Wanted to make a short review during school since i was bored.

When i was younger i remember starting many videogames that i have never finished because i used to really suck at videogames, and i always gave up very easily. Sonic 1 is one of those games, so i decided to grow a pair of dingleberries and actually finish the game.

I was actually quite surprised to learn that sonic 1 is considered a mid game, because i remember having a lot of fun with it, even tho my younger self never got past marble zone.

Sonic 1 has a total of 7 zones that each has 3 acts except for the final zone. The game throws you the best zone right at the start, which is the one and only green hill zone, and why is it the best? Well its because sonic gets the chance to go fast which is yk the main gimmick of the game?

Marble zone and spring yard zone are pretty decent, sonic isn't very fast here but that's my only complaint about these 2 zones.

Labyrinth zone fucking sucks

Star light zone: wow going through this zone right after labyrinth is like eating a 5 star meal after eating school food. Sonic isn't always slow in this zone and all the acts are fun as hell. Ths is on par with green hill zone in my opinion.

Scrap brain zone: pretty fun! Honestly this zone is very underrated, and it's the 3rd best zone in the game for me.

The bosses are very very very ok, except the one in labyrinth zone fuck that one.

The graphics are very awesome and brightly coloured.

The music is obviously great as hell, like cmon is there a single person in the world who hasn't listened to green hill zone? There's other great tracks aswell such as spring yard zone and scrap brain zone.

Sonic 1 has without a doubt many problems, but i got some nostalgia for this game so i can't help but like it a lot, and it still does many things right.

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"These guys won't stop comin on us"

OK DUDE THIS IS SOME VERY GOOD FRICKING SHIT!!!! I already knew that i was gonna love this game because it's a detective game and i love detective stuff!(detective conan my beloved) And i also have a few friends who really love the game, so that probably pushed my expectations higher.

Judgment introduces a bunch of new things that aren't present in the yakuza games. One of the new features is the investigation mode, which is when the player has to look around for clues (you can also find cats during the investigation mode :3). Other new features include:lock picking, a dope ass drone that you can fly and a bunch of funny disguises. Am i forgetting something? Oh right tailing missions! Yayyyy i love following slow ass suspects while trying to not be spotted yayyy!

What about the combat? DUDE ITS SO FRICKING GOOD!!! Judgment brings back style switching but unlike in 0 and kiwami you only have 2 fighting styles which may not seem much but it is more than enough. Crane style in my opinion is insanely underrated, a lot of ppl call it inferior to the tiger style and some ppl have flat out called it useless, but i disagree. Crane style is only useless when used against bosses but when you utilize it against large groups of enemies, you will absolutely devastate everything around you because crane style is much faster and has a much wider range than tiger style. Tiger style isn't very good against large groups of enemies because it has less range and it's less faster than crane style, BUTT tiger style is much more useful against bosses since it has the ability to break guards and tiger style has the flux fissure which is insultingly overpowered since it can deal massive amounts of damage and it can charge your ex gauge by a lot if you upgrade it. You can also juggle enemies in the air which is very fun. You also have the ex boost which can be activated by pressing R2, and once you activate it Yagami becomes an unstoppable force.
Lastly Yagami has the ability to perform a wall jump, and by pressing the attack button you can do a wall jump attack (is that how you call it) and obviously there are ex actions aswell.

The boss were overall very solid in my opinion. There are many bosses where the crane style gets to shine and a few bosses where the tiger style gets to shine. A good example of a boss where the crane style shines is Satoshi Shioya because it has a large group of enemies, and a good example of a boss where the tiger style shines is the 2nd Hamura fight because you are only fighting a single guy. Anyways my favorite bosses in this game are:
3. Toru Higashi 2nd fight:
This boss fight is insanely underrated in my opinion, both fighting styles get some spotlight, Higashi has a dope ass moveset, the music absolutely slaps and the dynamic intro is obviously amazing.
2.Cane man:
You fight this dude a bunch of times and everytime you fight him, he whips out a new weapon which changes his moveset and that is just very cool, and cane man's theme really slaps.
1. Mitsuru Kuroiwa 2nd fight:
Ok this honestly might be my favorite boss out of all the rgg games that i played. First of all we all know how amazing that dynamic intro is, and i especially love how in the intro Yagami and Kuroiwa are in the same pose which shows how identical their moveset is. The setting in this fight is unique and amazing, and the music is very awesome too! Another awesome thing about this fight is that after you beat Kuroiwa, Kuroiwa returns from the dead and injects idk a phoenix down to himself, he regains all of his health and the 2nd phase starts.

Ok now lets talk about side content.
Judgment replaces substories with side cases, and most side cases consist of Yagami taking a job from someone, and similar to substories, side cases are way less serious than the main story. Side cases can be unlocked by increasing your city reputations which is done by increasing your friendship with people scattered around kamurocho.
I honestly really liked the ability to befriend people since normally they would just be boring npcs that you forget that exist, and they did a really good job at making most of them have unique personalities. A few of these people that you befriend can actually be found wandering around kamurocho, and whenever i see one of them it kind of reminds me of those times where you randomly meet a friend in public, and some of them will actually help you in random encounters.They weren't gonna make the drone feel underused so they made a fricking drone racing minigame which is a lot of fun in my opinion. There's also this paradise vr minigame where you throw dice and have to reach a goal. Lastly there are a few side cases that you are actually forced to do during the main story, and some people call them useless filler but i will call them fun filler, because those side cases were fun af and you know it!

Kamurocho in this game looks absolutely beautiful, i think they stepped it up a bit in visuals and graphics.

The leveling system is honestly really solid, it is much better than yakuza 6's level system mainly because this time you only have 1 single currency, which is just enough for me.

Ok time for the best thing about this game which is the story. Our main protagonist is Takoyaki Yagami, an ex lawyer who is now a detective. 3 people died with their eyes gouged out and the Matsugane family captain Hamura gets arrested because they think that he has commited one of the murders. Yagami and a lawyer named Shintani succesfully defend Hamura, but Yagami wants to pursue the truth and find the real killer also knows as the mole. My favorite part about the story of judgment is its fantastic cast of characters.
Yagami is an amazing protagonist, do i love him a lot because i am a sucker for detective characters like the GOAT detective gumshoe? Hell yeah! But for me he is a really well written character aswell.
Yagami doesn't forgive himself for proving a killer named Shinpei Okubo innocent in the past, but this whole thing motivates him to pursue the truth and find who is behind all the murders in the game because he knows what happens if he doesn't, and Yagami never attempts to give up despite facing many obstacles throughout the main story. Deciding to chase the truth was probably the best decision that Yagami has ever made, because he learns that Shinpei Okubo was actually innocent, and there's one particular scene in the game where Yagami tells Okubo that he believes that he is innocent, and this scene is very important to Yagami's character because he forgives himself and his past doesn't weigh him down anymore, and for Okubo it was a possibility to not fucking die because of a crime he didn't commit.
Yagami is not alone in pursuing the truth because he is joined by a bunch of friends.
Masaharu Kaito is easily my favorite side character in this game. Kaito used to be in the matsugane family but he was a big obstacle to Hamura, one of the villains of the game, so Hamura got him kicked out of the family, and after that Kaito became Yagami's loyal partner. Kaito is the definition of a loveable character, there is nothing i hate about this guy, he offers plenty of help to Yagami, he is funny, he is cool, and idk man he is just a very awesome bro character.
During the main story Yagami gains 2 new allies which are Toru Higashi and Sugiura.
Sugiura is a particular character, at first he was basically just a mysterious masked guy who randomly decides to help you, but then we find out that his real name is Fumiya Terisawa, Emi Terasawa's brother (the girl who we thought got murdered by Shinpei Okubo but she actually got murdered by someone else). Helping out Yagami was a good decision because if he didn't, the real killer of Emi would've never been found.
Toru Higashi is quite a cool dude. Higashi used to be close with Kaito but they got separated after Kaito got expelled from the matsugane clan. He was first introduced as a person who changed and became a tougher and meaner dude, but we quickly learn that behind all that toughness lies a kind person.
Genda and Matsugane are 2 people that Yagami see as a father figure.
Saori and Hoshino are also pretty memorable characters who lend a hand to Yagami during the main story.

The villains in this game are absolutely awesome sauce.
Kyohei Hamura is a really well written villain. Despite being quite an unlikeable asshole, Hamura's actions were for the benefit of his clan. What makes Hamura a sympathetic villain is that his actions lead to the death of Matsugane, and for once Hamura isn't being a huge cunt, instead we see him feel sorry, and after that Hamura actually decides to help Yagami by revealing him the identity of the mole and giving him some crucial evidence for the trial in the final chapter.
Shono is quite a particular villain, he isn't strong or scary looking like many rgg villains, shit if you told me that he was a child cosplaying as a scientist then i would believe you. Shono is basically the main reason why the main story happened.
Kuroiwa is without a doubt the best villain in this game. Similar to Hamura, Kuroiwa is a character that you first think is an asshole but unlike Hamura, Kuroiwa doesn't get any sort of redemption arc. After it is revealed that he is the mole Kuroiwa steals the spotlight for every single scene that he is in, mostly because of how scary, intimidating, batshit insane and dangerous he feels. Kuroiwa is also the only one who gives Yagami a very hard time when fighting. Kuroiwa's character is brought to life by Shosuke Tanihara's fantastic voice acting, he fuckin killed it.

Music is fucking amazing like i expected it to be so here are my favorite tracks:
My own style plays during a few battles and my god does it slap! I probably love this one so much because i am a sucker for tracks with vocals even tho the rapping here is barely understandable.
Flower of chivalry is my favorite boss theme in this game and it's one of my favorite boss themes in general, and that fucking guitar man🔥.
Penumbra is Kuroiwa's boss theme and not only does it kick ass but it also fits Kuroiwa perfectly in my opinion.
Destination plays during the final long battle. Hearing this while kicking the ass of many cops with the whole gang was an amazing moment.
Arpeggio plays during the opening cinematic, and this is easily one of my favorite vocal tracks in videogames.

Alright alright time for the flaws of this game.
Even tho i think that the side cases were good overall, i heavily dislike the fact that a handful of them include boring and tedious tailing missions.
The keihin gang invasions and mortal wounds can be described with 2 words: mildly infuriating. Even tho i didn't mind them, i can understand why ppl think that investigations can be quite annoying.
Judgment may have a few annoying issues but honestly who cares when so many things about the game are so amazing?
10/10 one of favorite games of all time

Ignore my previous review guys my evil twin brother wrote it. This game is great and it is far from outdated.

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Yakuza 6 was surprisingly a fire ass game. Y6 is the 1st game on the dragon engine and it adds some very nice changes such as being able to enter buildings without a loading screen or the removal of intros in random encounters.

The combat of the game didn't click with me at first and it is clearly not as good as some the previous entries in the series, but after some upgrades it suddenly clicked, and i started loving the combat.
Extreme heat mode is 1 of the reasons why i love the combat, it can get you out of sticky situations and it can make bosses way easier. My only complaints about the combat is that the enemies block a bit too much, and for some reason they removed the equippable weapons.

The bosses are mostly very solid, but i wish some of them had more health bars. My favorite bosses in the game are: Akiyama, Yuta Usami, korean Vergil, Toru Hirose and the third Takumi Someya fight.

Out of all the rgg games that i've played, this is easily the best looking game both graphically and visually, and good lord this game has some very good looking cutscenes such as the one before the Yuta boss fight.

Y6 also brings a new location to the table which is onimichi. Even tho i think that onomichi is one of the weaker cities in the series, it was still a nice addition, and it has a tofu shop owned by the GOAT pocket circuit fighter.

The substories were pretty solid but not as good as the substories of the previous entries. Spear fishing and clan fighting were pretty fun side content but i wasn't a big fan of the baseball stuff.

Now lets get to the best part of the game and that is the story. Yakuza 6's story for me is on par with Y0 and Y5's story which is a very high bar. The game introduces a bunch of new characters. The hirose family are some very loveable characters, and my favorite of the bunch is Nagumo, who would've thought that the tutorial boss would become such a fun and memorable side character?
Yuta Usami is another well written side character that i loved, and him being the father of Haruto was quite unexpected but thankfully he isn't a horrible person.

As for the villains of the game well there are some good ones and a bad one. Takumi Someya is my favorite villain in Y6, in the final chapter we get to see how he cares for his ex wife Kiyomi and his daughter and that deep down he isn't a terrible person such as another villain that i will talk about soon, and he even sacrifices his life to save Kiyomi, but sadly he died thinking Kiyomi was dead. Toru Hirose is the other villain (not 100% sure if he is considered one) that i like, at first you think that he is just a funny old man, but then you find out that he is a very intimidating old man. Toru Hirose's backstory was very intriguing and he probably reminded Kiryu of Kazama, and like Takumi Someya he gets quite a sad death. Tsuneo Iwami is genuinely one of the most hateable, kickable, punchable, slappable villains i have ever seen, if they were aiming to make the most unlovable villain ever then they did a damn good job. Iwami ain't even very strong, dude got his ass kicked by Kiryu who suffered some heavy blows just before the fight.Sugai fucking sucks. What about the protagonist Kiryu? Well its fucking Kiryu! He is obviously a hot and amazingly well written protagonist.

As for the music well it fricking slaps! My favorite songs are:
Lots of lights which plays during the final long battle
Destiny which plays during the final Someya fight
Brother brother which is Nagumo's boss theme
The way of life which is Tsuneo Iwami's boss theme.

Overall i personally think that Yakuza 6 is insanely underrated and even tho it has a few issues i am still gonna give it a nice

Edit:I decided to higher my rating to a 10

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Now outta my way, YOU MEAT SACKS!

Yakuza 0 is the most popular entry of the franchise and it is widely considered to be the best one. After beating Yakuza 0, it became one of those games where i sit through the credits looking like a sad idiot, and that's one of the highest praises that i could give to a videogame. It's also a game where it felt like the hours flew by, i could sit down, boot up the game and then BOOM! 4 hours gone.
You have 2 playable protags: Kiryu and Majima. Yakuza 0 is a prequel set in 1988 where we get to see Kiryu before he became the dragon of dojima and Majima before he became the mad dog of shimano. Both Kiryu and Majima have multiple fighting styles that you can switch whenever you want during fights. I already talked about Kiryu's fighting styles on my kiwami review so i'm not gonna do that again.
Thug style is quicker and more accurate than Kiryu's brawler style but it does less damage and it doesn't have a very wide range making it not good against group of enemies, but if you're fighting only 1 enemy then you can easily kick their ass.
Slugger style is absolutely op, you have a bat that is good for literally everything, and slugger can tear down bosses with ez.
Breaker style is EASILY my favorite style in the entire game, even tho it isn't very good against bosses, it makes fighting groups of enemies a walk in the park. I didn't unlock the 4th style because the management games really suck! But you know what doesn't suck? That's right the disco minigame. On the disco minigame you get to pick between a bunch of songs that have 3 difficulties, and once you pick a song it is time to murder the dance floor! You take control of a silly little avatar that you have to move and hit a button on the tile it shows up on. The more steps your avatar takes the more points you get when you hit a button on the correct time. You can also have dance battles but no matter how hard you try you will never beat the GOAT Miracle Johnson.
You also have a fever meter which is really helpful to earn some points. Also quick hot take but queen of the passion is the best disco song, and yes i even prefer it over friday night. The bosses in this game were surprising really great, all the yakuza games i've played so far had mostly alright bosses with some exceptions of course. Anyways here are my favorite bosses of the game:
1.Keiji Shibusawa and Lao Gui.
It's very hard for me to decide which i one i prefer, they both have sick ass movesets that change and dope arenas that also change! Both of them also have amazing boss intros and an awesome theme.
2.Hiroki Awano
3.Kuze (final fight)
Oath of enma is genuinely a top 3 boss theme for me, and goddamn this fight made me realise how fucking cool Kuze is.
4.Homare Nishitani
Majima before Majima
5.Masaru Sera
Sera has one of the coolest fighting styles imo and i personally found this to be the hardest boss in the game.
The substories in this game are on par with Y5's substories which is saying a lot! More games should have sidequests where you have a dance battle with Michael Jackson. ALSO MY BOI SHINJI GOT HIS OWN SUBSTORY.
Ok now lets talk about the story, and oh boi what a story. Kiryu and Majima have fantastic stories filled with amazing characters that are brought to life by awesome voice acting. Most of Kiryu's story is in kamurocho but most of Majima's story is in sotenbori which is a new city. Kiryu's story is fricking amazing. My favorite side character in this game is Tachibana.
At first Tachibana had an air of sketchiness to him and i never would have thought that this dude would later earn my trust and get me on the verge of tears TWICE. I still get sad knowing that Tachibana died before seeing his sister. Even Kiryu shed tears when Tachibana died.Y0 has some gud villains like Sagawa or Shibusawa but the one that stands on top for me is Kuze. At the start of the game Kuze is presented as an asshole but as you progress through the story and after so many fights with him, you discover that Kuze is the most respectable dojima family lieutenant and he is easily the most memorable out of the 3. If you pay attention on the dialogue of the final Kuze fight, you would notice that Kiryu starts to call him sir, so yeah even Kiryu respects Kuze. Shibusawa started off as the most respectable lieutenant but it turns out that he is a dick! But something good that Shibusawa did was getting his ass beaten by Kiryu which made Kiryu become the dragon of dojima. Awano is still a bit of an asshole but he gained a bit of respect when he saved Majima. Another scene that got me on the verge of tears on Kiryu's story is the last scene with Nishiki and Kiryu on chapter 6, this scene hits harder when you know the events of kiwami 1, and this scene in particular is when i started falling in love with Y0's story.Now its time for Majima's story which i personally found to be better than Kiryu's story. I am used to the crazy Majima that everyone knows and love, but like i mentioned before we see Majima before he becomes the mad dog of shimano which was very intriguing. My fav part about Majima's story is Makoto, a blind girl who is very important to the story of the game. Majima was hired to kill Makoto but he couldn't do it, but instead he did the opposite and helped her, and why did he do that? Love. Sadly at the end of the game Majima cuts his ties with Makoto, because he knows that being with Makoto could put her in danger. Wen Hai Lee was also an interesting character, he was an ally to Majima and Makoto and he also looks like a discount Saejima, but sadly he went out with a bang. Sagawa is a very underrated villain, similar to Kuze he is a character that i first despised but at the end he grew on me. I could keep gushing on and on about this game's story and characters, Y0 has without a doubt one of my favorite stories in videogames and Majima is easily one of my fav characters oat.
You can't make a review about a yakuza game without talking about its music. So is the Yakuza 0 ost any good? Well out of all the yakuza games i played this has my favorite ost out of all of them, and that is really impressive considering that both yakuza 4 and 5 are in my top 10 videogame OSTs. Anyways here are my favorite songs:
Pledge of demon is one of the 2 boss themes of Kuze, and this theme in particular certainly makes you feel like you are fighting a badass old man.
Reign plays when you kick everyones ass on the dojima hq as Majima, and oh my god this god tier song just made that already amazing moment so much better
Oath of enma is Kuze's 2nd boss theme and it only plays during his final fight, and i personally think that this is a better boss theme than pledge of the demon.
I've already said this before but i'll say it louder, QUEEN OF THE PASSION IS THE BEST DISCO SONG!
With vengeance is Awano's boss theme and it is on par with oath of enma for me.
Two dragons is Shibusawa's boss theme and idk man they just cooked with the boss themes of all 3 lieutenants.
Firelight plays during the 8th long battle and similar to reign it makes an already amazing moment even better. The leveling system is one of complaints about the game, i wasn't a very big fan of it and i wish they kept the leveling system of yakuza 4 and 5. Another complaint i have is that the 4th styles are locked behind those stupid and unfun management minigames. I don't have any other complaints about this game. It is crazy that i bought this game for 5 euros, for such a cheap price i got an excellent game that easily sneaked into my favorites.
10/10 not my favorite yakuza game but it is my favorite 2015 game

‘This game is fucking awezome’ - sincerely, the zombies
I barely replay games, idk why but whenever i try replaying something i just can't! Not even games that i love like Hollow Knight or Subnautica. There is one game that i replay often tho and that is plants vs zombies. Pvz is also a game that has a special place in my heart simply because it was the first game i ever played. As you can tell by the title, in Pvz you have to defend your house from zombies by using plants. You have a couple of rows where you can place your plants, and each plants costs a certain amount of suns which can be gained with plants that generate sun and if you're on a level with sunlight, sun will sometimes fall off the sky. The game has a total of 5 areas, each one containing 10 levels, one of them being unique, and on the last level the plants cost no sun but instead a conveyor belt gives you the plants. The day area is very generic but its whole purpose is pretty much being a tutorial, and it serves it really well. The unique level here is bowling BUTT with wall nuts, explosive wall nuts and zombies, pretty damn awesome if you ask me. The night area is similar to the day but there's a catch. Since it's night sun won't fall out of the sky and sunflowers generate sun slower, using the sunshroom is obviously the most effective way to gain sun in this area. There are also gravestones scattered around the yard which spawn zombies on the last horde and you can't place any plants on them unless you use a grave buster which is unlock on the 3rd level in the night area. On the unique level here you beat the shit out of zombies that spawn on a grave with a hammer and i personally found this to be the best unique level in the game.All the plants that you unlock in this area start sleeping when you try to use them on an level with daylight unless you use a coffee bean which is unlocked on the last area.
This area also has the dancing zombie which is one of the sickest enemies i've seen in any videogame.
The third area has a fricking pool! To place most plants on the pool you will have to place a lily pad . Unlike in the other areas you have six rows this time. The unique level here is a conveyor belt level except this time the zombies are really small and faster. Zombies will also emerge from the pool on the last horde of the level. The fog area is the same as the pool area except this time is at night and there's a fog. The fog keeps you from seeing on which row the zombie is coming from and obviously which zombie it is. You can remove the fog by using 2 planterns or the blover. The unique level has a bunch of vases that you have to break and in those vases you either have a plant or a zombie. Also the conveyor belt level here straight up makes your screen black and you can only see when a lightning strikes. The final area is the roof. On this area you have to place a vase to place a plant. The unique level here tho kinda stinks, its basically a conveyor belt but with only chompers (one of the worst plants), pumpkin, vases and cherry bombs. Some plants here like the peashooter are kinda useless. The final level has the only boss fight of the game and i would say that they nailed it, you basically fight this giant ass robot that can spit fireballs and ice balls, throw vehicles at you and spawn zombies.
These different areas and unique levels are also really great ways to keep the game from getting stale.With so many plants available there's a ton of different ways to beat levels which gives pvz a lot replayability (ok now i see why i replay this game so much lol). The game also has a dope enemy variety, there are zombies:that ride dolphins, miner zombies, zombies that fly using a baloon, a zombie on a pogo stick and much more.
Oh and how can i forget about crazy Dave! He is your only human friend in this whole game, you can also buy a bunch of stuff from him. Pvz also has a bunch of minigames such as the one where you place zombies instead of plants or the one where the zombies have the head of plants. Another thing that pvz brings to the table is a garden zen and that shit is just dope as fuck. One of the best parts about this game is the music, mowing down zombies with lame music would be lame.
I would get 54 different kind of strokes if i tried to make a ranked list of my favourite songs from this game since they're all so good! I find it funny how this game looks miles better than pvz3, a game that came out much later!
Do i have any complaints about this game tho? Well after a long time of thinking, my only complaint is the 5th level on the roof annnndddddd yep that's it. I've seen ppl complain about the game being too easy but for me it wasn't a problem.
Even with my nostalgia glasses off i still think that pvz is an amazing and charming game, who needs crack when you can watch a bunch of plants tear down hordes of zombies. Oh and the sequels must be good right? Right?
This game is not only great, its CRAAAAAAAAZY

I originally gave this game a 7 but after thinking about it, this game is lame as shit.

Fun game i played on yakuza 0 where you shoot everything you see and avoid obstacles and enemy attacks. Also this looks really good for a game that came out in 1985

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If you want to die, COME AT ME!

Holy frigging smokes what an amazing game.
I've played 4 and 5 before kiwami which means that this is my first yakuza game where the only playable character is Kiryu Kazuma. In yakuza kiwami Kiryu has access to 4 different fighting styles, that you can switch whenever you want during combat. The dragon of dojima style is quite booty if you don't upgrade it, but if you do all that Majima everywhere and Komaki training stuff, the dragon of dojina style becomes overpowered as hell, and also this style has tiger drop. When using beast style Kiryu loses the ability to run and his attacks aren't as fast as his other styles, but beast style can deal a lot of damage and it has a wide range. During beast style Kiryu will grab any item that is close to him to deal even heavier damage which can be extremely useful during random encounters. The main problem with beast style is that it kinda sucks during bosses but idk it might be a skill issue. Rush style is basically the opposite of beast style because Kiryu is fast as hell, you can do 5 quicksteps in a row if i remember correctly which makes dodging attacks a piece of cake and you can deal a decent amount of damage because Kiryu attacks really fast. The only downside of rush style is that you lose the ability to grab weapons on the ground and to grab enemies. Brawler style is a balance between strenght and speed which makes it a really good style for both groups of enemies and bosses. Picking a favourite fighting style would be quite hard since they did a really good job at making all of them really fun. There's a bit more to the combat, there's a LOT of weapons in the game such as daggers, bats, swords, guns and my personal favourite, the fricking marlin cannon. There's a wide variety of heat actions which are high damage attacks that you can do in certain conditions when you have enough heat.
Kamurocho is a small but beautiful city with a good amount of locations. Also they added dashing which was nice. I did most of the substories in the game and they were really fun! Except those mesuking ones, they were weird. Oh and how can i forget about Majima everywhere? All you do is basically just fight Majima so Kiryu can learn the dragon of dojima abilities and it's awesome! You fight zombie Majima, Majima cop, Taxi driver Majima, bartender Majima, Hannya man, you play bowling against him, you play mesuking against him and there are also Majima's random encounters where you can find him in a giant traffic cone, he can be in a trash can, in a sewer or he literally just appears during another random encounter. Beating Majima is also a really good way to gain experience. I really liked how all bosses have the ability to heal, which makes them a bit more challenging, and it forces you to switch styles to perform a heat action and stop them from healing, but i still found most bosses to be just alright. In my opinion the only awesome bosses are: Majima's 2nd fight, Lau Ka Long and Nishiki.
Majima and Nishiki's fight are pretty self explanatory why they are awesome, but i loved Lau Ka long's fight because it was really cool how he switches weapons and then fights you barehanded with his unique fighting style. Also fuck Jingu and his stupid ass MIA colonels that somehow revive themselves halfway through the fight, and fuck Arase who just skeedadles away and shoots you the entire fight. It's a yakuza game so the ost is obviously gonna be awesome sauce but anyways here are my fav songs:
Turning point, For who's sake, Receive you the madtype and pray me revive.
The story is really fricking great, Kiryu is obviously an awesome protagonist and i also liked Haruka and Date a lot, however the main highlight of the story imo is Akira Nishikiyama. Nishiki was introduced as Kiryu's close friend but then Nishiki shot Dojima to protect Yumi a girl who Nishiki was in love with. Since Kiryu is such a great man he ended up going to prison for 10 years instead of Nishiki. During those 10 years Nishiki got treated like absolute shit, he was always being told that he was a purposeless piece of shit, and people kept comparing him to Kiryu. Not even Nishiki's own men treated him with respect, and to top it all off his sister fucking dies because of that doctor. At one point Nishiki snaps and kills one of the men that treated him like shit and BOOM now he's evil. Nishiki is such an amazing villain that i find easy to sympathise with, and also his voice actor fucking killed it. Sadly i have couple of problems with Kiwami's story. I didn't like how they killed Shinji and Kazama. Shinji didn't get much time to shine before his death and Kazama got killed because Kiryu turns his back on the ugly version of Dwayne the rock Johnson. Jingu sucks, both his character and his boss fight.
Overall i really REALLY loved this game, i found its story to be really great, it has an amazing protagonist and antagonist and Date and Haruka are also good characters. The combat is without a doubt awesome, i really loved the multiple fighting styles. The ost slaps and like always it has the perfect balance between funny moments and serious moments.
Easily my new fav game from 2016

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Finished playing Yakuza 4
Shun Akiyama my beloved :3
This game is fricking awesome, i thought it wasn't gonna be anything that blew my socks off because it doesn't really get a high amount of praise or a high amount of hate. The game is split into 5 different parts where you play as 4 protagonists. Kamurocho is a fun city to traverse, you can order food, play table tennis, go to the karaoke, go to a batting center etc. In part 1 you play as Shun Akiyama a handsome fella who lends money to people who pass his test. Akiyama is the 2nd most fun character to play as imo, his fighting style literally kicks ass and he has really awesome heat actions. In part 1 we also get introduced to Yasuko and Kido, both side characters that i liked. Ihara and Midorikawa are alright bosses but Daisaku Minami is a dope fight and a dope asf character who sadly gets like 1 minute of screentime. My main problem with this part is that Akiyama has the weakest substories out of all the characters, they aren't bad by any means, but they are very forgettable.
The first few chapters of part 2 are quite crazy, you see Majima with 2 eyes, the shootout scene, you break out of prison and you fight Kiryu. Saejima is a really fun character to play as, his fighting style is centered around charging powerful attacks but a nitpick i have about his combat is that he has the worst heat actions out of all the characters but they still aren't bad. Part 2 has better bosses than every part except maybe the final part. Saito is a dogshit boss but Kiryu, Ivan, Minami and Majima are all really good. Sadly we don't see Minami again after this part 😦
Saejima has really good substories especially the brother and sister ones. What keeps part 2 from being perfect is that dogshit prison break section and traversing kamurocho as Saejima is annoying as fuck because of all those damn cops.
Part 3 is the best part in my opinion.
Tanimura's combat is really great, i fuckin love his parrying and he has some pretty good heat actions. This part has the best story, it has the only somewhat decent villain in this game (Junji Sugiuchi), Tanimura has the best substories and i personally don't have any problems with this part, except that one moment where the cops were just letting Sugiuchi walk out room because they can't shoot but they can just yk arrest him?
In part 4 you finally play as Kiryu. Kiryu has easily the best combat imo because tiger drop go brr and he has the best heat actions.
The only boss fight here is Tanimura and Akiyama which is pretty solid and Kiryu's substories are really good. I really didn't like how they killed Yasuko in this part tho, you're telling me Saejima just decided to spare Katsurabitch because he just wasn't worth killing? And why was Kiryu just standing there? And why didn't Yasuko just shoot Katsuragi right when Saejima got shot? Part 5 is a good finale. They nailed Daigo, Arai and Kido's boss fight but Munakata's "boss" (which is also the last "boss" you fight) is fucking dogshit. I would've preferred if the boss was just one single strong ass bodyguard but nope lets put a bunch of enemies that dodge half of your attacks while Munakata shoots you, yep thats definitely gonna be a good fight! Only good this about this fight is the intro and also when i finally took down all those fucking bodyguards i did as many heat actions as i could on Munakata because he is a pussy ass bitch and one of the lamest villains ever, like seriously idk how they made such a painfully lame villain. Speaking of villains Katsuragi was also lame, Arai was alright but he lacked a LOT of screentime and like i said before Sugiuchi is the only somewhat decent villain that also lacks screentime but at least those 5 minutes of screentime were memorable.
Also the rubber bullets plot twist isn't as bad as some people say, i'm not gonna start spouting nonsense and say that it's actually a brilliant plot twist but it really wasn't that bad. The ost is genuinely fucking amazing, so many banger songs like the myth, material delights, for face and so much more. Overall i think this game deserves way more love, the combat is without a doubt awesome, the bosses are pretty good except for a few of them, all 4 protagonists are fucking awesome, the side content is really great, the ost is amazing and imo the dumb moments and the lame ass villains in the story, the Saejima prison break section and the final boss are what keep this game from being perfect. 9/10