8 reviews liked by RozzRoid

This DLC is kinda ass, they didn't change any of the issues the base game had. They said they "listened to fan feedback" and so added the new Kinetic Hammer weapon and sure it's more powerful than the Stun Baton but you only fight one enemy type with it for the most part which just comes down to the same combat as before. The bossfight is a bit better than the base game but that's not a hard thing to do. The DLC is also very short(2 hours-ish) and it's just an enemy spamfest really. Don't bother.


man after so many years the wait is finally over and the game's finally here and honestly I am satisfied with the results, a bombastic take on the bioshock formula that I really needed for myself

+addictive and brutal combat system
+high replayability value with a lot of facilities to explore
+banger ost that kicks in at the right moments
+a pretty average plot that gets really great as the game progresses with it's story
+good enemy variety
+phenomenal environment for the player to explore

-horrible translation to a great Russian dialogue, like seriously the game should've never been translated the jump in quality between the two is hilarious
-max difficulty ain't as hard or challenging as I though it would be
-half of the bosses are super easy to deal with even more than most of the mini bosses in some of the polygons/test facilities
-as much as the world of this game is great you can't interact with it very much, no propane tanks no anything it's suppose to be a bioshock-like game it's such a little but noticeable con
-have some problems with a specific character's background story, should've had more to it but that's a spoiler
-pacing issues towards the end of the game

-two open endings for the player to theorize about
-feels like a combo of some games mashed together, can be both positive and negative in some aspects
-rumors about a story continuation in one of the dlcs

current score: 8/10

Got the deluxe for the 72hour early access. Not yet done but I can say that I FREAKING LOVE IT! GOTY!!! Am a huge HP fan so this might be biased but yeah just give it a go and you'll be amazed by the massive content it has.


On my way to platinum!

Honestly this game is really fun

The graphics are cool too. My only real gripe with the game is it's buggy but i rather take this over microtransactions and all that being in a game

Marvel this, marvel that, how about you marvel at these burgers im grillin, come get some

Acceptable hyper-linear action game that is frustrating and monotonous at times but generally makes up for it with aesthetics and the above-average combat.

This game has a story too but it's not anything to write home about. The main attraction of Evil West is it's combat, following the somewhat outdated but traditional style of enemy encounter --> linear transition point with a puzzle --> enemy encounter ad infinitum until the end of the game with skill trees to work through. I think the right kind of person could be REALLY into this game, I thought it was just alright. Combat is quite fun at times and frustrating at others (I played on Hard). You have quite a few different items and abilities to use in battle, so the staleness generally comes from the repetitive enemy encounters that, near the end of the game, start to consist of nearly dozens of mini-bosses all somewhat haphazardly thrown at you at once. Generally you will have enough to deal with this, and the game is somewhat forgiving, but it can become exhausting after awhile.

Regardless, the combat can be quite satisfying and there is certainly an acceptable level of depth to it from what I discovered, especially near the end of the game. I was honestly hoping for a bit more from Evil WEst, but it is passable as a modern linear-action game. Just do not expect anything revolutionary in any regard.


Playing this game was the equivalent of using sandpaper as toilet paper, Justin Roiland needs to get a new schtick. The s-s-s-stuttering and "improv" have run their course years ago, Justin, please, get a new voice instead of the ONE whiny one you always do and PLEASE take some fucking comedy lessons, Christ.

I can't believe I spent more than 40 hours on a BotW clone made by Ubisoft