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April 19, 2024

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I’ve completed Lara Croft on the PS3 before and had a wonderful time back then. I decided to play it on PC again since it can be gotten for cheap often and I was looking for a co-op game. It holds up mighty well and the PC version is excellent on top of it.

The game is an action adventure with lots of fighting, puzzles, collectibles and various challenges you can complete. The fights are fun with lots of different enemies. The puzzles are great, just enough to make you think for a bit sometimes but they’re well integrated in the game and they’re often optional for the collectibles. The collectibles are weapons, artifacts and relics you equip or upgrades that offer permanent stat boosts. There are 14 stages with some short ones dedicated to boss battles. The entire game is fully playable in co-op and online. You can create private matches and invite friends no problem. Progress is saved for both sides.

I don’t know of many better examples if you’re looking for a good co-op game that can be completed within 12 hours (doing everything). The levels are well designed with good pacing and engaging gameplay all the way through. The game looks decent for a spin off and certainly impressive for an older game. As mentioned, the performance on PC is good and it looks great in 1440p. The achievements are fun and doable. The majority you will get naturally but the last one requires you to complete all the challenges and find every collectible. This is fair, the game even informs you once you’ve reached a spot where you can complete a challenge which is really nice. I wish more games did this.

In terms of flaws, I’m nitpicking for a bit but they’re still worth mentioning. Some rare challenges are silly and have no business in the game. There are a few rare bugs but they’re very minor for the most part. The game also has 3 DLC content packs that seem overpriced for what you get out of them. Luckily they’re not needed, Lara Croft feels like a complete experience and there are no DLC exclusive achievements.

My review is basically giving my blessing to get the game in case someone is still on the fence about it somehow. It focuses on its strengths efficiently and effectively. You know what you’re getting out of it just by looking at it.