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2 days

Last played

January 29, 2024

First played

January 17, 2024

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NSTW is a mix of Metal Gear Solid and Splinter Cell, only the scope is smaller in every way. What we have is very enjoyable and fun to play in small sessions. The controls are perfect with mouse and keyboard and perhaps it works so well becomes the moves, weapons and gadgets are limited. To be specific, the game has only 2 guns and there are no gadgets. You have 6 areas/missions and there are 2 guard types. I’ve completed normal mode in 2.6 hours and it becomes 8.3 hours if you include hard mode. Hard mode is a bit more substantial as you’re not shown where your targets are and all the enemies have become the more difficult versions of the 2 types. It was worth doing hard mode despite getting frustrated with all the deaths and the lack of checkpoints within missions/areas.

I’m putting all the numbers here not because I’m complaining. It’s to give an idea for the scope you should expect. I loved the fact the game is kept pure and that there wasn’t really much of a story either. The graphics are a mix of ps1 style but very sharp and with modern technology. It’s very appealing. The levels are well designed despite the simplicity. I’m also impressed by most of the animations such as killing guards when sneaking behind them. The sound effects are also good but there is no music aside from the main menu and level selection screen. The 6 areas have more ambiance sounds and quiet moments.

Out of all Merlino Games, this is my favourite. It’s the most polished one and its scope is enough to leave me satisfied. It makes me miss the popular stealth games I mentioned and I also hope that we will get NSTW2. I don’t mind if the scope is kept the same or slightly bigger. The normal price is less than €8 and it can be had for less than €6 often. It’s worth it for fans of the genre when expectations are kept in check. The developer is also worth supporting as he tries different things often, is focused and keeps getting better. Apparently he wants the next game to be bigger with the help of a team instead of a solo project. And I’m not talking about ‘Under a Star Long Cold’ which is coming in February. we know the unknown game is also going to be a stealth game. It’s very exciting following whatever this developer is up to.