20 reviews liked by RuthlessRudy

“She’s sick, and I shouldn’t be here, but I am.”

Big congratulations to Multiversus for violating the concept of zero-point energy by taking the slowest fucking thing that could possibly exist and somehow making it even slower.

Counter Strike: A normal game. Normal missions, normal bots. No toxic kids that slept with my mother.

Witcher 3 had a lot to live up to, especially being put on Switch.

I will get my gripes out of the way. I think there's really only one major issue with the game outside of nitpicks, which is that you are way too underpowered and weak at the start of the game. You do barely any damage, you take way too much damage, there isn't a lot of healing options, a lot of the enemies are too strong. It makes the game really slow paced to start and it sets a bad precedent that dosent stay thankfully: but it makes you think the whole game will be an uphill battle like that. Also, I cannot stand item weight. It is a mechanic that never needs to come back again. I get limitations create builds and different experiences, but there is such a thing as being too limiting.

There are a very minor handful of quests that won't click for you. Sometimes you inadvertently fail one by completing another even if you haven't really started the other one yet. On Switch, I think this port gets way too much hate, but I know it is a little rough in some areas. It dips in fps in minor occasions, it crashed a few times. It had some visual bugs. But those were minor. They happened maybe once every 10 hours. Some of the animations, to wrap this up, are stiff and janky.

Ok so why is this game amazing? There are many reasons. The lore of the universe feels very lived in. There's tons of cool monsters and settings. There is a sense of conflict between the regions. You feel like a bit of an outcast and reject. So the odds are stacked against you, yet you have strong powers and can handle the opposition.

The main story is really engaging. Ciri could have been this super annoying foil to drive the plot forward, but she was really endearing and fun to watch. You care about a lot of the characters, even ones that have minor roles. The dialogue is really well written and encompasses what needs to be expressed. Even with some occasional weird deliveries, and while you have to adjust to Geralt's flat voice (by design) you really get sucked into the game.

This is a title that really emphasizes its quests. Honestly most of the meat and time I spent on this game was on random stuff that was going on around me. I've only played the game once yet I remember every single thing about it. All these random towns and people, the one conflict where they can't pick a leader. The one where you venture with a bunch of people into a cave. All the fist fighting, waiting to get a form from the bank. There's many moments that stick with you.

I would be a fool not to mention the best side content, Gwent. I initially ignored Gwent, and then as soon as I played 1 game I proceeded to travel to every single town and climbed every mountain looking for cards for my deck. It is so easy to sink hours into. It is such a simple but stimulating experience. So much so they made an entire game around it!

Presentation wise it's awesome. The various outfits you can customize yourself in. The music is great. The locations are pretty and feel appropriate for the journey. The monsters are all imposing when they need to be and help add to the roleplay aspects here.

Thats a real key thing, roleplay. FINALLY, a game where your choices matter. Not these half lie games where only the last few do. No in this game there were characters that could have lasted all the way to the end that I got killed in the first few hours. It gives you a real sense of purpose and significance being in control.

And of course the game is good fun as well. You have a lot of options for approaching combat. Lots of weapons and powers. Yet the game is a pretty good challenge as well. You can get overwhelmed easily, but you'll still have tools to just barely get by. Thats a great balance to have I think. Fair, but challenging.

The dlc was really great. I felt like it added a lot to the experience in the ways it wanted. And it didn't feel padded. It felt like a natural expansion to what was already in place.

I really had an incredible time with this one. Even my issues aren't ones I think about. When you play it you are just sucked into everything you love about it.

It's one of the few games I ever attempted to truly roleplay with. I turned off the HUD and just explored with the full map that came with buying a physical copy of the game. And it was such a special experience because it was something you could do without it being too difficult.

Just an incredible game all around, in all the right ways. You can't pass it up.

I was in a nostalgic mood and felt like re-visiting this one via the remaster.

It's funny how this game has all of the same problems as I remember, yet I still like it. The atmosphere is cozy, Kat is a fun protagonist and the gravity powers are still unique. No game out there plays quite like Gravity Rush. For better and for worse.

The combat stinks. Going up in the air to either launch a special attack or divekick towards pink balls gets old real fast. I would have MUCH rather Gravity Rush omit combat altogether to having this system in place. The story is also just fine I guess. The comic book cutscenes have a lot of personality to them and do help in setting a whimsical tone to the game. The music also helps a ton in this regard. It's a fun world to be in.

The thing I enjoyed doing the most were the gravity obstacle courses throughout the game. They often required I use the gravity powers in creative ways and were a lot of fun.

I platinumed this over the weekend and had a good time. Here's hoping the Gravity Rush 2 PS5 remaster is real. I'd love to revisit that one as well.

something else had to have been going on in Markipliers life when he played this cause allat was NOT needed

This game is CLOSE to being good. Yes it has butt ugly visuals. Yes it has another stupid story. But mechanically it is more smooth than the first game. Web swinging is a ton of fun. There's lots of costumes to unlock. So what's wrong with the game?

Hero/Menance system kills any enjoyment you might have. You have to babysit the meter every 4 minutes otherwise the SWAT Team will fire every single weapon on earth to annoy you. It dosent even go away once you beat the game. On paper it could have worked if it drained super slowly, but basically as soon as you do one side job you have to do another.

Had tons of potential but didn't live up to it. Just an average game overall.

Why is TikTok not listed as a platform?

So I (372,383,102,383m) and my (372,383,102,383m) dream (372,383,102,383m) were playing Dreams and came across a hilarious dream that parodies Among Us, where Black is always the impostor. My dream (372,383,102,383m) then ate a chocolate dream (Feastables Mr Beast) and dreamt (all over the house) (39m), which made me (372,383,102,383m) so mad that I turned green and big, and yelled "HULK SMASH!!!!" and killed my dream (-28m). So Reddit, am I the ass hole!??!?!!?!?

Edit (1): Thanks for the (upvotes) (20). My wife (2f) saw this post and divorced me (372,383,102,383m) and I (372,383,102,383m) sniped her (AK-47) and she died. So am I (372,383,102,383m) the ass hole for that!? Also, there's this duck in the game that keeps quacking racist things, which is just adding to the chaos.

Score: 8/10