If You Like Killing The Same Enemies Over and over again This game is right up your ally

Never understood why these free games were released on consoles

But apparently I got suckered into it because I owned it

I Decided to Write a More in Depth review of This Game For Some Reason But Anyways.

I Don’t Like This Game, I Felt Nothing While Playing it. This Game tries to have a dark tone Which Could Work But It’s Executed So Poorly, The Game Really Just Scream’s Rushed Project. There’s A lot of Characters In This Game That They Acted They Were Important But They Really Weren’t Examples Include Classic Sonic,Knuckles,Shadow,Metal Sonic,Etc Speaking Of Classic Sonic He is literally Shoehorned into the game and Served No Purpose, Infinite Could’ve Been A Good Villain If The Writing Wasn’t So Bad.
The Graphics Are Pretty Good Not Much The Say About That However The Level Designs are Really Bad Which Again Makes it Look like a rushed product.

I Don’t Really Recommend It.

Do People Actually Care About The Storybook Games?

At The Very Least I Expected this to be a so bad it’s good game But no it wasn’t even that this game is genuinely horrible, And It Sucks Too Because it had potential to be a great game. But Sonic 06 where do I even begin? The Games Bugs And Glitches makes it very Unplayable,The Controls Suck Controlling Sonic Is Pretty Easy But Controlling Tails,Knuckles And Silver Isn’t Tails Is Slow,You can’t hit anyone with Knuckles And It Doesn’t Take long for Sliver’s Energy To Drain, I Felt Miserable Everytime I started playing this game. And I haven’t even gotten to the worst part The Loading... This Games Loading screens are so long and annoying and they come up every 20 seconds. If You’re Gonna Play Any Sonic Game Literally Play Any other than this one because oh my god it’s a painful experience

While it is a little too short and controls take a bit of getting used too this game is very great and just a nice love letter to sonic

I have no idea why I speedrunned this game of all things but I definitely regret it

If you’re curious how long I did it was 1 hour and 25 minutes

It does get Repetitive at times and the last 2 islands aren’t great but I did have fun playing it and it’s the first good sonic game in years

I didn’t complete the whole game but I completed 4 of the 10 story’s and that was just enough for me.

But Shadow the hedgehog what a disaster I could go on for hours about how awful this game. The main problem is it takes itself way too seriously and in the end makes the game nothing but edgy. The writing is hilariously awful because of how much it’s Trying to appeal to edgy people In a few endings you kill Eggman,in the pure dark ending you kill sonic. The gameplay is also really bad as the camera movements suck and it’s really easy to die. There are some redeeming qualities like the cg cutscenes look really nice,the soundtrack is pretty good and sometimes it gets so bad it’s fun but other than that I don’t recommend it

I’m not that big of an anime fan but I played it with my step brother and it was fun? While it’s not as fun as something like smash bros I had a good enough time to recommend it

what happened to this franchise

While I’m sure it’s not as bad the Wii U game this game sucks so far and I probably won’t ever play it again

I had fun playing this game even if it’s not that different from the other 4 new super Mario bros games

Also I completed this on switch

I actually don’t think anything can surpass this as my favorite game of all time

To think McDonald’s was one of the reasons this game was split in 2 parts