Top 10 Games I Played in 2023

Doesn't necessarily have to be released in 2023. Ranked based on what I would personally recommend, regardless of how objectively "good" it is.

This is a weird list this time around. The rankings here don't really represent which titles I REALLY enjoyed, but titles I believe would be enjoyable to play regardless of my own opinions on it

Though I usually just have fun with these 2D Mario platformers from the multiplayer chaos, I genuinely think this one is captivating with its charm (lively animation, art-style) and novel ideas we haven't seen from this particular series in a long while. One of the best recommendations on this entire list. Sure, it isn't as difficult as some want it to be, but the badges do offer some self-imposed challenges if you desire.
I've put this higher on the list because it's such a love letter to the fans AND an approachable game for newcomers. It's a short visual novel mystery game, but seeing this cast interact in a way that is (finally) true to their character is such a breath of fresh air. It's an April Fool's game, but it's no joke.
I didn't even play the game, but I had to include this because of all the funny interactions and moments it produced across the internet. This game is incredibly fun to watch, whether people take it seriously or people goof around. Terrifying, hilarious, and surprisingly cozy all at the same time.
Similar to The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, this is a free, short puzzle game that has such a charming art-style and endearing cast that deserves more time in your mind. I personally enjoyed how the characters were re-adapted into comics (both official and fan-made), so definitely consider checking those out afterwards.
Even though the game panders with some puzzles / tasks, and I caught onto the narrative they were trying to tell a bit too early, there's something about the story that I can't shake off my mind. If you're looking for a Makoto Shinkai-esque experience with a deeply emotional core, A Space for the Unbound is a hidden gem you should seriously consider playing
Some turn-your-brain-off fun, at least for older folks. Most of this is a nostalgia trip for me, but still fun to goof around with friends. The epilogue and extra content is perhaps not worth a full-price purchase, but do consider getting the game eventually to experience it if you're a fan of Kirby
I can talk about my whole mixed feelings about this game—extreme narrative highs and lows, gameplay genius and underwhelming worlds, amazing soundtrack and voicework—but it's hard to recommend since I believe most of its impact / thematics work in tandem with the previous entries (even though the story itself is self-contained). Which is to say that I'd recommend playing Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition if you're looking to get started with the series.
Similar to the above entry, I can't really recommend The Final Horizon to anyone who hasn't played (or didn't like) the base game. Still, this final update is a much more challenging revision of the game's physics and level design, and I honestly had a lot more fun with it. The expansion soundtrack is easily a highlight and if there's anything you should do, definitely check out the game's music.
Hard to recommend unless you're solely here for the gameplay. Music and visuals are great, but the flat narrative really affects the characters and the social simulation aspects. The return of legacy characters is hardly something to celebrate, as it's a huge disservice / reduction to who they are. I really don't want to recommend this 40+ hour game when other entries in the same franchise will likely be a more fulfilling experience
A neat game focusing on speed platforming that would be more appreciated by people who liked Sonic or Jet Set Radio, rather than those who liked Heart Machine's previous game, Hyper Light Drifter. Of course, the atmosphere is on-point, though the lore / narrative can be overblown at times.


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