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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 9, 2024

First played

March 8, 2024

Platforms Played


Played this game via the Capcom Arcade Collection. Just like most arcade shooters/shmups, this is a coin muncher that gets increasingly difficult and unfair the more you progress through the game. The difficulty and frustration rely mostly not on the amount of enemy projectile (like some "bullet hell" games out there) but rather on the enemy plane speed and enemy projectile speed, making dodging enemy fire very difficult (despite very precise controls).

For being a 1987 game, the game looks very good but unfortunately the backgrounds and sprites get old very quickly. All levels (rounds) feature the same backdrop with basic water, some clouds, and sporadic small islands. Understandably, this game is about a battle in the Pacific Ocean so you would expect a lot of water backgrounds but I feel like the developers could have at least tried featuring different times of day and weather effects to add some visual variety.

Gameplay is interesting featuring a fuel meter (acting as health) that gets depleted as you get hit and as you use special powers, making the player think hard before employing the bigger 'clear screen' weapons. Bosses at the end of each round are pretty cool but get repetitive since they are variations of the same machinery.