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STRM finished Amnesia: The Bunker
I....I....(extreme sounds of hyperventilating).....I......Don't put me back in there for the love of god.
Never before has a horror game made me feel like I was having a panic attack for 7 hours straight; it's insane I loved it and I never wanna play it ever again.

1 day ago

3 days ago

STRM finished Dear Esther

3 days ago

5 days ago

STRM backloggd Clickolding

5 days ago

6 days ago

STRM finished Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
Skinner box gaming with a nearly 100 dollar entry fee.

I'm so sick of AAA gaming this really it? Is this the crap we're gonna be getting from the big studios from now on? I don't even really feel like going on a long winded tirade about it because honestly I'm just kinda numb to this shit now. I'm glad this shit bombed and sold poorly but realistically speaking that won't stop publishers from trying to find every single new way of rigging out more money from players. I know I'm guilty for feeding into this system since I play Fortnite and Helldivers 2 but at least I can have some semblance of fun with friends, who the hell is gonna play this committee made slop and be like "OH BOY THE GAME IS LETTING ME DO THE SAME SHIT I WAS DOING FOR THE LAST 20 HOURS AGAIN. OH BOY I JUST GOT NEW GUN THAT'S WORSE THEN MY OLD GUN AND A NEW GRENADE THAT DOES ZERO DAMAGE FUCKING FREAKING EPIC CHUMGUS SAUCE." (That last part was acually true the game gave me a grenade that did zero damage)

I think I'm just done with this sort of shit, like.....done just playing games I know are gonna be bad because like......what am I really getting out of this shit anymore? You knew what kind of game this was gonna be and I knew what kind of game this was gonna be. I'm just done with these AAA conveyor belt slop games, I'm tired of seeing hard working devs put their time and effort into making shit. Tired of seeing millions of dollars be pumped into skinner box shit while so many devs are getting laid off from the mistakes made by people higher than them. I'm just tired of AAA bs and microtransactions, and repeated, and battle passes, and all of the constant whining and in fighting over gender politics that is infused into every single gaming conversation because gamers are fucking children who refuse to diversify their palate and try new media and just want everything to stay the same circa 2005. I'm just so fucking done with everything.

Congratulations Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice were my breaking point. By being so effortlessly bland and pointless you've boomeranged back and became genuinely one of the most embarrassing things I've ever had to displeasure of playing. You've killed the last little bit of optimistic hope I had for the games industry going forward, be proud, wear that badge with honor, and always remember that you may be a terrible game; but you're not the worst thing I've ever played. That title goes to games that had either tried to put effort into them that caused them to end up atrocious or was a genuine scam that didn't even try at all, and you couldn't even do either of those right.

7 days ago

10 days ago

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