Log Status






Time Played

3h 12m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 16, 2023

First played

November 8, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Going from C:TA to this is like a cave man walking out of his cave for the first time. I know the GB had the ability to create visuals and music on par with the NES but man this looks really good for GB. The best part and honestly the biggest improvement over C:TA above all else is that it doesn't control like I'm constantly maneuvering in muck, it's just as smooth as it feels on NES and given how much more varied the levels are this was undoubtedly the best way to play Castlevania on the go......until you get to the last level where some NES era horseshit starts rearing its ugly head, in and you get a really bad final level and two bosses that are way too fucking cheap for their own good.
Still a significant Improvement over C:TA, which isn't saying much since this is still a super compromised version of NES Castlevania but it got as close to the real thing as I've seen and you know what that's pretty impressive.