Deadpool 2013

Log Status






Time Played

4h 44m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 9, 2023

First played

April 8, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I feel like this game had a weird domino effect with how people view the character because for as middle of the road it’s general gameplay is it’s attempt at being a fun adaptation of the character is fucking awful.

Deadpool as a character has been flanderized as hell over the years and I mostly blame this game and the movie. He went from somewhat of a goofy character with some layers that made his character much more than just a joke machine; giving him some reason behind his madness. Now he's something I can only describe as what annoying middle schoolers think is “cool”, I don’t 100% blame the High Moon team since from what I’ve read up on this game was just kinda thrown at them and told to make rather than something they actually cared about. I’ve been playing through their Cybertron series of Transformers games and honestly that game has so much more heart and love for the series then this game could have ever had. You can tell they at least tried but they just didn’t have that well of an understanding of his character just taking it at face value and as a result we have a very one note version who only really has like a handful of jokes that get old after like an hour.
Jokes like
Deadpool saying “The fuck word”
Sex Jokes/gratuitous amount of naked woman boring on objectification
Fourth wall breaking at least every 30 minutes
Funny rainbows and late 2000’s gamer lingo like noob and others
Repeated use of the word chimichangas
Being a dumbass
Having two different voices in his head saying unfunny banter, AND MANY MORRRRRRE (Fun fact one of those voices was retconned out of the comics like a year after the game released and it was discovered that the voice wasn’t a weird split personality but rather it’s actually just a D-list Captain America villain named Madcap who got absorbed into Deadpool because they both have a powerful healing factors……….yes it is dumb welcome to comic books)

Again I don’t 100% blame High Moon I more put the blame on the writer they got for the game Daniel Way; which I shouldn’t really even be saying since he was a writer on the mainline Deadpool run of the late 2000’s and the early to mid 2010’s. While I’m not the biggest fan of Daniel Way’s portrait of the character in since I feel the humor is a little too much sometimes but his run does show of Deadpool's suicidal tendencies and depression along his with constent problem of pushing people close away with his annoying and pigheaded personality, I found the more introspective aspect of his run pretty interesting but basically none of that is in this game and most of the time it dosn’t even feel like he really tried. Way had a problem with balancing the humor of the character a lot in his run and here he pretty much didn’t bother, the plot is so paper thin me describing it probably would be longer then the amount of time the game takes to tell it. Deadpool pretty much just bumbles around for most of it saying unfunny jokes and killing D-list Xmen villains until he’s told to go kill a slightly bigger D-list Xmen villain and after doing so you find out he’s a clone and you do it all over again, this happens 3 times over the course of the game.
Sure you could make the dumbass argument like “Well maybe writing for a comic is different then writing for a video game so that’s why it’s not on par with his comic work”. First that’s a really dumb argument and second no there have been other comic book writers whose written for super hero games that did a MUCH better job, off the top of my head there's Paul Dini who wrote Batman Arkham Asylum and City; prior to those he was a writer for Batman TAS and Batman Beyond; some of the best cartoon adaptations of the character to date. They brought back Brian Michael Bendis to write for the Ultimate Spider-Man game, and while he pretty much just rewrote most of his more popular runs of Ultimate Spider-Man into video game form he did a pretty great job with the transitioning. Hell Garth Ennis’s work on the Punisher game did an amazing job capturing his portrayal of Punisher while also having a pretty bear bones overarching narrative so really Daniel Way has no real excuse other then being fucking lazy.

I could seriously go on and on about how much I really don’t like this version of the character, so for the sake of your own time I’ll just stop it there. I know I sound crazy and very autistic talking about a character that most people just kinda write off as a joke gag character but if you really bothered to look through his backlog of stories you’ll find what I personally think is a pretty good character. Something this game didn’t even bother to do.

(edit) I’m writing this at like 6AM and I just now realized I didn’t talk about the combat or gameplay once so I’ll make this quick. It’s you're basic third person hack and slash that feels like the poor man’s X-Men Origins Wolverine. It’s mind numbingly simple at times with boring locations to fight in and very little enemy variety to mix things up. The game’s not horribly long but the gameplay never reaches out of just standard to really have anything to write home about it. If this was a cheapo game I’d say if you wanted a whatever hack and slash to play you could go for much worse but since the game has been delisted and finding a second hand copy is expensive I’d say just don’t bother.

Ok gameplay portion done now I can finally sleep