Log Status






Time Played

23h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

September 25, 2022

First played

August 30, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I gotta be honest for a sec, I had more fun playing the Saints Row reboot than this.

This has been the most apathetic I've felt for a game this year, I feel like one of the reasons why the original DAH2 stood out a lot more compared to the original DAH was 2 offered a lot more quality of life changes that made the game overall better than the first; but DAH1 remake added in most of them so in the DAH2 remake it just feels like more of the same.

One of the faults I had with the game was its style of humor and story, The story and characters for the most part I found uninteresting.
The story takes a lot of inspiration from Bond movies of that era, where you're globe trotting around the world fighting baddies with a stupidly hot blond babe to stop the crazy Russians from destroying the world, but most of it feels like a very surface level of what Bond movie actually are, story's pacing is also pretty bad, the whole time you're in Japan doesn't really go anywhere and feels like a huge waste of time by the end, and I didn't really find Crypto as the main character very interesting outside of his occasional funny joke or one-liner. Also his new love interest is about as interesting as a one-off Bond female love interest, ie not very interesting (at least that's what I've seen from the very VERY little I've seen of James Bond).
The story is full of twists and turns and more stuff being added to the lore but in general, I just didn't care; nothing really grabbed me. DAH1 remake didn't have an outstanding story but it wasn't trying to tell one, it was just a fun wacky alien story satirizing the 1950s era Americana with its red scare and McCarthyism; the closest it got was Crypto uncovering the secret American super agency but even then it wasn't taken as seriously as DAH2 wanted.
They also didn't really do a good job representing the areas of the world that you explore in the game the same way they did in the first game, I suspect it's mostly because they were more focused on making it based around its Bond-style but most of what they have isn't the best, I'd argue the only areas where they even bothered to try was the American areas and UK area, and even then they don't do much with them.

This point might be very subjective but I didn't find this game very funny, like at all. The first game's humor mostly derived from poking fun at 50's era America and all of it's faults, and for better or for worse it held up fairly well, here it's not really the same. In this game they do make jabs at 60's era American culture for about the first 4 hours, and then it mostly just becomes either taking low blows at other countries but not fully understanding their culture the same way they did with making fun of America making hit less, a lot of dick and sex jokes that I personally didn't find funny, 4th wall jokes that got tiresome very quickly, and a lot of stereotypes that border on "almost" flat out racism. Now I know they gave a disclaimer at the beginning of the game saying that the content in the game is from 2006 so it contains content that is offensive by today's standers, but still hearing the Japanese NPC talk in broken English, or hearing a Japanese cop say stuff like I bet in America everyone gets to be black if they want to" or "what are you looking at, at you ever seen a Japanese man walk black before" is a little off-putting and I don't personally find stuff like that funny.

The gameplay in this I found fun at times but boring after awhile, I found the game way too easy at times even when I was playing on the hardest setting,
In my opinion they gave you too many weapons to start off with; you get the zapper and the heat ray less than 2 hours into the game, and at that point you pretty much have every gun you're gonna need because every other gun is either too situational to be used in a firefight, or not nearly as effective as using the zapper and heat ray. I find this so strange since the first game's overall difficulty felt a lot more balanced.

The missions are also pretty forgettable, outside of the one Godzilla boss in Japan I can't remember a single mission that stood out the same way other missions in the first game did. Both in what was going on and how you were doing it.

But the biggest that honestly ruined my time with the game was the awful amount of bugs I encountered while playing.
I played this right after finishing the Saints Row reboot and where the bugs in that game sometimes enhanced my enjoyment; here it just annoyed the fuck out of me because it's not even the fun kind of bug, it's the kind of bug that gets in the way of immersing me.
I encountered god-awful FPS slowdown,
screen tearing in cutscenes,
seeing cars and NPCs loading and dispersing in the distance,
T posing models, models T posing mid-cutscene, NPS not following me when I need them to do it for a mission forcing me to reload a checkpoint, being softlocked out of missions because I respawned outside of where I needed to be forcing me to have to restart the mission, audio not matching the mouth in cutscenes, some sounds not playing in cutscenes, audio just not playing in some cutscenes, some cutscenes not having proper sound mixing, voice audio talking over itself, voice audio repeating what it just said instead of moving on to the next sentence, not being able to play the main story mission forcing me to restart my game, visual effect sticking on the screen until I closed the game, not being able to talk to a character for some missions forcing me to restart the mission and my game, and worst of all out of nowhere spontaneous crashes; it happened to me like 7 times, making this the most crash prone game I've played on a console, where in SR reboot it only happened like once, and yes I was playing with the Day 1 patch.
idk how the game got released in this state or why I haven't seen anyone else talking about it but it definitely ruin a lot of my time playing the game.

This really disappointed me because Destroy All Humans is one of my favorite of the 5th gen, but seeing the state that this game is in, and the fact that I didn't really even like a lot of what the base game even has to offer, it kinda makes me a little worried about the rest of this series. But if you do go through and make a remake of either Big Willy's revenge or Path of the Furon I will be there day 1, seeing bad games get remade into something actually good by fixing the problems those games had is something I'd love to see.