Log Status






Time Played

6h 32m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 15, 2023

First played

April 12, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I find War for Cybertron really frustrating. On the one hand I think its visuals look really nice and stay pretty faithful to the G1 look while also still giving it their own unique spin on the characters on the other hand the typical 7th gen gray filter makes it hard to shoot enemies when they also blend into the background making the game more frustrating than challenging.
On one hand I think the run and gun play is fun and really refreshing when it came to other 7th gen cover based shooters that were never good like Uncharted 1 or GoW, on the other hand it still plays like a stiff 7th gen shooter and unlike other games it resembles like Vanquish it’s slow and sluggish with enemies that are just bullet spongy enough to feel annoying. Along with that the arena level layouts all just suck. They feel very much gated into one way of progression and with how easily you can die if you’re not always on your feet the gameplay gets boring really REALLY fast.
On one hand I think the story is really neat, being able to see the origins of character relationships and events unfolding that I’m assuming the G1 show had in it’s lore (I’ve never seen any piece of Transformers media I just think the robots look cool), on the other hand the game’s pacing is really shit and having the Decepticon campaign start off the game really didn’t help since the beginning of the game is really weak; it only started it get better with the Autobot campaign but by that point the game is almost over and idk if it’s just a me thing but I just wasn't grip by the story personally.

If you can’t tell, I'm not a Transformers fan and I don’t really have any attachment to these characters or the confusing world building. Maybe if I was I could look past a lot of stuff like I do with other games but oh well. If you like Transformers I bet this is like Willy Wonka's Robot Factory for you.