Throwing my hat into the "the perfect Steam Deck game" ring

Koreans can make video games again.

Literally the definition of thinking 'muh stylized art/graphics" can carry an entire game. Stiff platforming, empty world, boring combat & piss easy difficulty

Who's bright idea was to make a fake metroidvania with NO fast travel? Gross.

Sia I love you. Also, this game allows me to fart. Better than Persona.

Not very good. Sound & music are great but that's where pros end. Wears it's inspiration on it's sleeve but doesn't hit any of the beats on why the inspiration was good in the first place. Art is alright. Adventure style gameplay is cool but that in itself a long with the dialogue falls flat. "I can't do that now"/"I don't have time to do that now" the game. Then the game gives us the answer leaving no room for wonder. Personally speaking the underlying problem was very mundane as well.

Needs to bake in the oven way longer.

Very solid first attempt. I enjoyed the 3D, low poly environments with 2D sprites. I liked the pixel art as well. First person camera with ability to walk around is always a plus for me. Underlying story seems interesting and I enjoyed the little twist with the tutorial and in game events.

Its really short and not much there but I see a lot of potential. Wish the dev success. Excited for the full version

I/O Interactive really said "what if HItman but action?" AND IT WAS RAW!!!!!!

Biggest problem with this game is that it has a very real life and adult problem but gives a Disney channel solution to it. Other than that its a fun Tales game.

Very very very average JRPG. Outdated graphics & special effects(if you care about that), average big bad and battle system & less horror aspect than its predecessor. Still a cool little game but I like Koudelka better

"One carton. The usual"
"Okay. Placebo right?"

LMAOOOOO!!! You ever notice every chapter ends with the main character falling through something?

Imagine trying to say that being a Quake clone is a bad thing. I love this Quake clone so much

Why I have trust issues. ALL guns share the same ammo?! Homing explosives that follow you even if you break line of sight?! Randomized "chests" that usually just blow up?! Nile Gorge & Kilmaat Colony are some of the worst levels I've had the discomfort in playing.