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2 days ago

Sachi completed Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
Something crazy about Muramasa is that it actually solves literally all the questions it poses in one particular scene, but then never touches on this again, pretending like they're still unsolved issues.
I don't wanna lay my cards bare in a backloggd review of all things, since I plan on making a large youtube video about this, but I wonder how many people caught on to that. And even more importantly, I wonder how many people continued to understand what this means about the game, and what Muramasa is actually about.

14 days ago

Sachi reviewed Full Metal Daemon Muramasa
I have the theory that Chachamaru is by far the most popular heroine (especially in JP) because the readers subconsciously understand that she's the only life-affirming character in the whole game. You would think it's weird to like this borderline side-character the most, who barely has a route herself, but it makes complete sense when you consider her thematic relevance. Though I HIGHLY doubt anyone actually understands why she's the best one beyond subconsciously. Regardless, she's best girl, because she's the most human of them.

14 days ago

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