4 reviews liked by Sadie58394

you only get one chance to make a first impression, and my first impression is that this would be a slow, tedious slog to play through

The PT clones thing did not work out well with any of them. These games are really not subtle, and any gameplay seems like an afterthought to a very mediocre haunted house ride.

shit PT made incompetent devs who can't fix game-breaking bugs, being locked out of playing the game after progressing a chapter, and the game not being able to save on itself for some reason. I got locked in a tiny room with different parts of the map on top of each other after using the mirrors and the game wasn't able to activate its trigger unless I did it in a precise way.

what the hell is this fucking garbage and why is it so overhyped?
controls are so clunky and moving around is painfully slow making exploring for solutions very tedious.
the story is very generic and the cheap scripted jumpscares fucking suck
the puzzles are convoluted and feel pointless, and because of this you will waste a lot of time aimlessly wandering around with shitty movements and cringe tryhard spooky sounds and voices that keep trying so hard to scare you. you moved past that radio? well now its going to suddenly turn itself on woah, here lets do the same trick over and over until you are sick of it.
the inventory management is shit and overly tedious
even the visuals are mediocre, and theres not a single memorable soundtrack. and to top it all its buggy.

visage is irredeemable garbage