Platinum Games Ranked

Favourite to least favourite Platinum Games titles (ongoing)

The things that probably could have been accomplished if Yoko Taro and Platinum Games worked together again but now they only seem adamant on live service games after the failure of Babylon's Fall and now they are minus one Hideki Kamiya.
I like to joke this is the best Metal Gear game but in its most gratifyingly absurd insane moments which are plenty.... I start to believe it is. If Konami is dumb enough to continue the Metal Gear series in the future they might as well just let Revengeance 2 happen.
Flawed in many ways but god damn is it a wonderful time.
Hideki Kamiyas spiritual successor to Devil May Cry and instead of doing what other creators have done when returning to past ideas and making a poor imitation of the greatest hits of ones past work. Him and Platinum swung in the opposite direction to make a action game that still very much holds up incredibly well mechanically, stylishly and makes sure to stray away from being a DMC clone but not abandoned the core fundamentals of its wonderful character action game roots.
Another case for Shinji Mikami being the best at third person shooters.
The worst of the Bayonetta games but hard not to enjoy when one of the weapons they give you is a literal YO-YO. This series also did so wrong by Jeane so much already but this is the worst case of it. Some wonderful highs and weird middling lows.... Hopefully the next Switch console actually fixes performance.
Its Star Fox 64 but worse, it was mid but inoffensive. But that last boss fight sucks so fucking much though. Star Fox Command is still the worst Star Fox game.


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