9 reviews liked by Santo13

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I’m back. I promised I’d return, and with that I promised I’d return with a review of a much newer game. I hope everyone had a wonderful (and late) Christmas and new year, and I hope that you all enjoy this review. I admit it’s odd for me to review the older game in a series and work backwards but I feel as though it’ll be much easier for me in this case. I hope you have a wonderful evening and I hope you enjoy my first review of the year. And now back to the review.


So sandman was the reason New York had an orange sky back in June, that makes so much sense now.

Contrary to popular belief: I like superheroes. I’m not the expert on them nor am I gonna act like I am but I think I know a decent amount about them. And what’s one superhero series I like? Well it would have to be sp- fantastic four. I adore the fantastic four but Spider-Man is a close second, and it also happens to be the more popular of the two. Spider-man, the series about some random teenager called Peter Parker who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and then turns into Scott the woz…with superpowers. In terms of spider-man games, they’ve never really…been that brilliant. That was until insomniac came into the picture. But we can talk about the original later. Just the original. Just the original game on the PS4.


Alright so where are we. I’m not gonna go too in depth but to summarise, Harry Osborne, remember him? Yeah neither do we, is now finally out of treatment for his disease and can now see Peter again. What a romance! Harry sets up a foundation for them where they can help people and find a cure for everyone. But uhh then the 19 inches of venom come in and uhh…anyway what’s going on with miles?

Just an fyi: if there’s one complaint I have it’s probably miles’ side to the story. It’s not that interesting. It can be summed up with: it happened. Most of the ‘plot points’ are just set ups for side missions which I’ll get into later. But essentially he learns that revenge isn’t a great thing to seek and he ends up kinda making up with Martin li from the last game. Honestly that’s his whole story and it doesn’t interest me that much.

Back to Peter, the 19 inches of venom end up affecting him and kraven ends up believing that venom (or venom attacked to Peter) is his ‘final hunt’. Though eventually miles gets it off of him. But then it ends up joining with Harry again and uhh. Yeah them 19 inches go crazy. So then Peter and miles have to track him down and stop his mini inches from ‘curing’ New York. And that’s spider-man 2 In pretty much 2 minutes.


Damn they really upped the combat here, huh? It’s pretty much kinda the same as the last few games, though Peter and miles have some cool new moves they can try out.

Peters symbiote abilities are really cool but they do not beat miles’s new abilities. They mainly come from li as that is one of miles’s big plot points yet the moves are actually pretty interesting and feel like a much needed breath of fresh air from his standalone game’s abilities (and they also make a return!) overall the gameplay isn’t changed too much but is a pretty cool step up.

Gameplay in general:

Swinging is back and is as great as ever and now we have a new thing to manoeuvre around New York with: the wingsuit. You know when people ask can pigs fly? What about spiders? Cause that’s just the thing I want to see happen when I try to get into bed and see a spider fly over me. I mean it’s definitely a new way of getting around New York and it helps in some areas.

How could I forget the side quests? These are definitely some of the best and worst parts of the game for me. The flame cultist side quest is actually really interesting, though it left me on a MAJOR cliffhanger. Which I won’t spoil for people but geez. I hope it does manifest into some form of dlc. The whole jazz side quest is ok as well. I only know miles davis so uhh, most of this unfortunately went over my head. The Brooklyn visions side quest is pretty dull but you get a nice suit. Don’t even talk to me about the spider bots side quest.

Before I bore you with more of that I’m gonna be real: all this stuff sort of happened. None of the side quests were really that interesting and most of the time kind of blew over my head. Not to say they were bad or anything, just not that interesting.


“That’s like getting a shotgun for a haircut”

I really did want to like the characters in this game, and they aren’t necessarily that bad. I mean considering I gave the game 4 stars, I certainly didn’t find them insufferable. There were a good cast of characters and it’s best I get them out of the way first.

Kraven was a really good villain. Like if there was a way of giving me a really good first villain for the second game it’s kraven. He was hyped up well by insomniac as well and I found him to be a really interesting character. Whether he beats out li is another matter but I still really enjoyed what he did and what he signified in the game.

Speaking of whom, I quite liked li in this. He was sort of needing a redemption arc, or at least that’s how I felt, and I’m glad he got it. I shit on the miles story a little bit but li really did steal the show for that. I’m just so glad he realised what he needed to do and now looking to better himself.

Hell I’ll even make the argument Peter was a pretty good character. Like I was much more invested in his story. The symbiote slowly changing him made it seem really believable for his character and his slow dive into it controlling him. The same sort of goes for Harry, though he’s still a weak character if you ask me.

Wait, Harry Osborne, a weak character? How could you say such blasphemy! I don’t know he’s just not that interesting. His whole story arc just isn’t that interesting for me. I knew what was gonna happen and in the end it just annoyed me because of how predictable it was, well that is until the end. Venom takes him over yadayada. And then miles brings him back, because the last redeeming quality would’ve been to teach Peter a lesson but nope.

Miles uhh, yeah. He does shit to be honest. He mainly sets up side quests and only has a big plot with li which I’ve already discussed and I hate to sound like the 19 inches of venom is talking but all he really does is get in the way sometimes. Near the end he’s a hell of a lot more helpful but that’s the problem, he’s a little too helpful. Though I’m not gonna blame him for saving Harry as much as it is a little bullshit. And also who actually thought his new suit was good. ‘Miles morales original’. It’s funny cause I saw that exact same style in the Nike store 5 days ago

…man just fuck what they did with mj’s model.


So we made it. Overall, it was certainly an experience which didn’t disappoint. Whilst it’s definitely better than miles morales, I feel the original still tops it, just because of its brilliant array of ideas. Whilst they are still here, the messages get a bit thrown around, couple that with a few weak stories and barely and gameplay tweaks and you should be setting up for a mid game. Yet I still enjoyed it. After all is said and done, I do hope spider-man 3 can explore more ideas and maybe that dlc can finally answer some questions. Like whether carnage knows who candice is?

Decent game, fine combat, good Peter story, fuck the spider bots, nice to see yuri again, 19 inches of venom

It's much less a game about stylish and fast play than it is about rote memorization of enemy placements and overly dramatic, flashy boss fights that will occupy a ton of space on the screen and still be complete pushovers

You’re trying to tell me these are mechs? They look like potential rayman characters

One of the last games released for the famicom during the shift to the super famicom in Japan, joy mech fight was nintendo’s last attempt to create a fighting game for the famicom (like what they did with urban champion). This game was actually never brought to the west until Nintendo switch online a year ago so uhh…good job Nintendo. Good to see the game finally got a localisation! Oh wait-

So because I can’t read what’s going on, I’m currently going off of what it says on the Wikipedia page. Dr. Emon and Dr. Walnuts create these really cool robots until walnuts steals them and plans world domination. Thankfully, Emon brings a robot called sukapon and turns him into a military robot to fight back against Walnuts and all his robots. Pretty simple plot.

Gameplay is your typical fighting game, though it has quite a lot of charm to it. In the story mode, you eventually get 36 available fighters, each with their own abilities that you can use. These can also be played in the multiplayer modes, and some are extremely easy to master. The story mode consists of beating 7 fighters per level until having to face a boss at the end. After finishing the boss, you move onto the next level.

Overall, whilst not the best game on the famicom, I must admit that joy mech fight has a really nice charm to it. And as one of the last famicom games, it has a really nice presentation that I love and it doesn’t feel stiff at all. It is probably one of the best fighting games on the famicom, but whether it is on a similar level to that of street fighter 2 or tekken is possibly a very big stretch.

Fun gameplay, really nice presentation, neat music, rayman if it was a fighting game

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I’m gonna be real: I wasn’t originally gonna try this dlc. I was just gonna go back to finishing the rest of my games and then maybe return to it another time. I then thought to myself: ‘oh what the hell, it’ll only take me a few hours and I might enjoy it’ so I booted up the game and started the dlc.

The story is surprisingly really deep. We play as a big daddy known as ‘sigma’ who attempts to go into minerva’s den and save a super computer known as ‘the thinker’. You meet a friend known as Porter through the radio and you set off to try and get the thinker back.

The gameplay is surprisingly really great and I’m sort of disappointed the new additions didn’t make it into the base game. The new laser gun is really good and I used it a lot more then I thought I would (the rivet gun was kind of not needed when I had the laser gun). The new plasmid ‘gravity well’ is also really good. You place it down and enemies and items go into it before being blasted away. There are also new big daddies known as lancers that actually feel like a big force to be reckoned with (bioshock 2 improved it but now minerva’s den took it one step further). You also don’t need to go to stations to get new upgradeable weapons as you can just find them lying around if you choose to explore which isn’t too bad of a compromise.

As for the ending? It’s revealed that sigma is actually Porter but without his voice. He was taken in a program to turn him into a big daddy and then finally returned to get the thinker. The plot twist actually felt really surprising and I actually really liked it.

Overall, I’m surprised a short dlc like this left that much of an impact. If it had been expanded on it definitely could’ve had bones to be a ‘bioshock 3’ but a guy can wish.

Huge improvement, great story, I fucking hate vacuums

“Resident Evil 4” é tudo isso e ainda tem estilo

Jogar jogos de terror pra mim sempre foi complicado, pois quase todos os jogos começam da mesma forma, com uma lentidão pra ir construindo aquela atmosfera, aquela aflição que a gente conhece bem, e essa construção inicial era sempre chato demais para eu aguentar, alguns jogos porém, conseguiram me prender mesmo com esses começos convencionais (e.g. Dead Space, Outlast e Alien Isolation).

Resident Evil não era diferente, já testei vários deles mas nunca terminei algum além do Village, mas com o RE4 Remake ganhando o coração de todo mundo, decidi tentar mais uma vez o Original, dessa vez com HD Project instalado, e antes que eu entre em detalhes, não vou explicar o porque RE4 foi tão importante pra indústria, tem gente por ai que consegue explicar isso muito melhor do que eu e todo mundo está cansado de saber porque RE4 foi tão importante, se você jogou qualquer jogo de ação em 3° pessoa, foi por causa desse jogo, essa review é mais um conto pessoal da minha experiencia com o jogo.

Eu sou alguém que cresceu acostumado com controles modernos da sétima e oitava geração de consoles, por isso que a primeira instancia, a movimentação de RE4 pareceu estranha e travada, como que um jogo com controle de tanque ter sido tão importante em jogos de ação em 3° pessoa? É simples, RE4 é feito, é construído em volta dessa movimentação, todos os inimigos são lentos e não muito agressivos e contanto que você mantenha uma distancia entre eles não há com oque se preocupar, mas esse conceito é explorado até o limite, mesmo com quase 20 anos desde que lançou eu fiquei impressionado com a tamanha variedade de inimigos e chefes, nas primeiras 5 horas o jogo já tinha mostrado tanto inimigo diferente e tantos encontros únicos que não achava possível o jogo continuar nesse ritmo até o final, mas ele continua, e chega a ser cômico, no começo você vai estar enfrentando fazendeiros com foices e machadinhas em uma vila rural pra no final estar lutando com um super soldado em cima de uma torre antiga armada com explosivos. Existem até algumas singularidades que você não vê em jogos hoje em dia, os Quick Time Events no meio de uma cutscene me pegaram desprevenidos mais de uma vez.

Eu achava que, como RE4 foi um pioneiro nesse estilo de ação em 3° pessoa, ele ia carecer de momentos memoráveis ou de um combate mais desenvolvido, mas eu estava enganado, parece que o Shinji Mikami e a Capcom estavam acostumados a fazer esse tipo de jogo há anos, todas as armas tem um uso e todos os inimigos tem uma fraqueza. O jogo está sempre te colocando em situações diferentes pra te pegar desprevenido, o Garrador por exemplo, um inimigo cego que te localiza através do som, tem garras que nem o Wolverine e só pode ser morto se for atingido em uma parte exposta nas costas, no primeiro encontro você tem sinos para atrai-lo e bastante espaço pra escapar dele, após certo tempo o jogo vai te colocar pra enfrentar mais um Garrador, em uma jaula pequena, sem nenhum sino, e com inimigos do lado de fora atirando flechas em você e dando a sua posição, e depois de um certo tempo você vai encontrar dois de uma vez com mais armadura, mesmo que os inimigos sejam familiares, as situações são diferentes e desafiadoras, sempre aumentando os riscos e as apostas, de forma elegante.

Há um balanceamento de ritmo perfeito aqui, o Mikami sabe exatamente quando diminuir a ação e deixar o jogador se acostumar com os sons ambientes para de repente aumentar tudo em um segundo, deixando o jogador sempre atento mesmo que ele esteja seguro. O jogo tem a habilidade de flutuar entre bizarro e inquietante pra essa ação bombástica e implacável, e essa é a maior qualidade do jogo na minha opinião.

A história de RE4 quando resumida parece infantil e genérica, mas é a forma que o jogo apresenta ela que a torna tão interessante, o jogo é auto consciente da sua cafonice e se apoia nela, entregando todas as falas com 100% de sinceridade, além disso tem muita personalidade em tudo, tem o Leon que tem um tom badass que não se surpreende com nada e adora falar frases de filmes de Hollywood, ou o mercador australiano que aparece nos lugares mais estranhos sem ninguém questionar a sua existência, ou até mesmo o anão que se veste que nem napoleão.

De certa forma, eu fico feliz que RE4 passou por tantas reiterações, pois depois de aprender com os erros de vários projetos combatendo diferentes abordagens de um jogo de terror, o resultado foi uma classe mestre de uma obra que mistura horror e ação pontuado por uma história de filme B com atuações cafonas e estilosa

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I’m dedicating this review to Sinclair 🫡

Ok, maybe I was a bit too fair to bioshock. In my last review I gave it 4 stars and yet I seemed to hate it more then I enjoyed it. In my honest opinion, I think the story carried the original bioshock for me. It’s something I didn’t mention before but I’m gonna mention now. So…why did I give bioshock 2 4.5 stars? Let’s just say the story and the gameplay mix beautifully well.

The story sees us in control of subject delta. A big daddy looking for his little sister: Eleanor. The problem? She’s the daughter of the new leader of rapture and delta has to take her down. The story sees us meeting new characters like Sinclair (fucking legend), Grace Holloway, Stanley, and many others. It also sees us discover new areas and more of a risk to killing certain people. The endings also see an improvement…especially the cgi.

The gameplay is also a vast improvement. Now you don’t have to flick between plasmids and weapons as you can now reload your weapon as your using a plasmid. The camera has also seen a vast improvement, instead of pulling it out half-way through and worrying about getting hit, you now use it and then can use your weapons to kill the enemy and improve your damage output towards the enemy. There are also new weapons such as the rivet gun (basically a better pistol), the spear gun (very overpowered), and the drill (a pretty decent melee-like weapon). I also prefer the level layouts a lot more as the really small halls have been stopped a bit.

It confuses me why people don’t prefer this game to the first. The second improved everything so much and after you play it I find it hard to go back to the first game. So to me, this is one of the best bioshock games and best fps games…and the funniest thing is it doesn’t even have Ken Levine working on it.

Huge improvement, great gameplay, still a solid story, I’m so sorry sinclair

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Would you kindly…

These are three words every bioshock fan must follow. If someone were to say ‘would you kindly’ after they’ve asked you for something every bioshock fan must comply. And now I’m here to ask those that read this a question.
Would you kindly read this review for me?

The story starts off with the protagonist, who has just got himself in a plane crash…and has somehow survived. He then discovers a mysterious tower and decides to go in…and that’s when he discovers…rapture. The story is this sort of slow ride into the different areas of rapture, with each area having different characters to either befriend or kill. Throughout half of the game you’re accompanied by atlus, a sort of resistance leader, who ends up being frank fontaine. Andrew Ryan’s rival and the main man who wants to rule over rapture and get all the Adam he can possibly get. When this is revealed you are forced to go against him and free rapture once and for all…and this is where my only gripe for the game comes in.

The final boss is…underwhelming to say the least. As someone who played on the standard mode…the boss was super easy to finish and didn’t really take much, even with all the splicers and alarm bots coming in, they don’t really deter you much. And then the endings are just as weak. The good ending requires you to save all the little sisters which is the sweetest ending, and then the bad ending is where you harvest every single little sister and the splicers get unleashed onto the surface. As for the neutral ending…it’s basically the same as the bad ending…you may as well just harvest.

The gameplay is…pretty good ig. Plasmids are a great alternative if you haven’t got any ammo and are pretty fun to try and use, and the weapon selection is also pretty good. The big daddy fights are always exciting. Hacking is dreadful in this game, it’s really unintuitive to start with until you get the plasmids to help you make it easier, otherwise I hate hacking anything in this game.

Overalll, bioshock is pretty solid, not the best fps in the world and definitely not one I’m going to be flailing around about but still a solid game which I advise people to try.

Solid game, ok story, mid endings, lacklustre final boss, the little sisters really creep me out

Let me be real with everyone: I’ve never played a metal gear game before. I’ve never played the first game, have only watched a tiny bit of the third game, and know how hated the later games are. So when I saw the substance version of metal gear solid 2 for a super cheap price I kind of had to go for it, besides I’ve never played the series so why not get it? So I bought the game and went straight back home and slammed the disc into my ps2…

This game could quite possibly be one of the biggest masterpieces ever crafted. The story really does rely on you knowing what happened in the previous game (I read a big ass wiki synopsis and multiple YouTube videos so I’m good) and like most Kojima games there are cutscenes that you could practically make into your own franchise of movies in a single game. Other than that you’re all set!

So we start off the game playing as snake, who is trying to find information about a new metal gear but finds out someone else is trying to snag it (liquid from the previous games and some new faces). After that portion you then play the rest of the game as Raiden, debatably one of the most hated characters for a while…I kinda like him. Now don’t get me wrong, I can understand why people didn’t like him at the time but some of the reasons they gave are pretty stupid ‘oh he’s super whiny’, ‘he repeats himself too much’, ‘he asks way too many questions’, personally I found him a great protagonist and as an opposite to snake in a way I found him really cool. As for the rest of the game the other characters are super good. Fortune is mysterious (I won’t spoil what happens during the end but it explains everything), vamp is super cool and funny, fatman is…well he’s fatman. Yeah the story to this game is really great.

The gameplay to metal gear solid 2 is also really good. You come to grips with it pretty quickly and after you do the rest of the game is pretty much a breeze. The boss battles to start with aren’t the most special but as you go on they get cooler and more adventurous. There are also some really nice set pieces that come in later which I won’t spoil.

Overall, did I enjoy my first metal gear game? Definitely.
Should I play the first game? Yes
Am I looking forward to the third games remake (if it happens)? Sure

Great story, solid gameplay (see what I did there?), Raiden is a great new protagonist, Otacon is such a legend, did not enjoy escorting Emma and what happened after…still a good game tho