5 Reviews liked by Sarasaki

Such a beautiful adventure. I've heard various things about how FFIX is one of the best games in the series, and how everyone who plays it never forgets it. But up until a few months ago, I figured that it was just really solid, albeit overhyped.
But man, am I overjoyed to be proven wrong, cause this game is fantastic. The story despite being slow at times is one of the most consistent, understandable, and enjoyable ones in the series.
The characters are super charming, with all of them going through changes and developments that at times can hit close to home. Zidane is a lovely breath of fresh air in contrast to the previous protagonists, Steiner is fantastic, Dagger is endearing, and Vivi is just the best of the best man.
The graphics have aged really nicely, and are super captivating to look at due to the more expressive art style and animation.
But I would be remiss if I were to ignore the beauty of the soundtrack on display here. Straight up, Crossing those Hills is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, and pair that with songs like Vamo'alla flamenco, Black Mage Village, You Are Not Alone, and Melodies of Life, and it's just the peak of gaming.
I am so happy that this game exists, especially with the messages and themes that it puts on display. Seeing Vivi's existential crisis hit me hard, as having gone through that, seeing these thoughts I had felt were only in my head expressed through Vivi reminded me that no matter how hopeless it may seem, I am not alone.
Made my cry, 10/10.

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A humanist tale that doesn't get enough appreciation.

Yoko Taro joined Platinum Games not only to create just another playable piece of media, but to surpass and create a masterpiece in the game industry, delivering a satisfactory and wonderful gameplay. Going beyond all the expectations of what a "game with a robot with a big ass" may look like, creating a devastating story with characters that possess tragic arcs, Nier Automata story must be told exclusively through a videogame.

You can not tell the story of this game with a linear storytelling by any means. To tell his story, Yoko Taro, the game director, first wrote the overall plot with a quite simple premise: androids and robots in war. After that, he begins to dismount his own story, filling the empty spaces with different characters perspectives.

Taro divides his linear storytelling with 4 different timelines and perspectives, because the important point here is not the chronological order, but the emotions and feelings of each character.

The repetitive nature presented in the game combat, interlaces with the repetitive narrative, creating a "(...) never ending cycle of life and death". With this alliance between this topic and playstyle, this ludonarrative challenges the player to break this conflict of power, creating a hopeful future. Nier Automata is an artistic work that breaks new grounds with a spectacular message, where the only way to escape this infinite cycle, is by committing a senseless and unselfish act of compassion to the unknown. Only then can we finally be free.

NieR: Automata is so good that it seems wrong to compare it to other games. It is easily in the top 5 best pieces of art I have ever experienced. It excels in every aspect of the word. Play this game.

Nice game and even nicer ass.

Really loved the game. Interesting story, fun gameplay, and the soundtrack is even better. It's very unique and I don't hear such masterpiece often.

Very solid game.

What an amazing adventure that was. One thing I've always loved about the Witcher series is the atmosphere. Playing this game really makes me feel like I'm in this medieval-ish world. The only other games to make me feel like that were Red Dead Redemption 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.
The story is as incredible as always, and the gameplay gets better each game.

But my favourite thing though is how the Witcher games kinda turns you into a witcher in real life. For example, making difficult decisions, the alchemy and knowing how to use them, different tools, the different types of monsters, what they're weak against, different types of oils and knowing which monster falls into which category to use which oil, using the right signs strategically, etc…
For me, that's really been the most enjoyable experience while playing this game because I really felt like I am somewhat of a witcher myself.

That was just the gameplay, now let's talk about the story. I love games where your choices actually have an impact on the world, and this game really delivers. You're a simple witcher, yet you're often tasked with choosing between so many difficult decisions and most of the time having to choose between the lesser of two evils. Put together the gameplay and the story with great music, and you have yourselves a masterpiece of a game.
Exploring Skellige was the most enjoyable between all the locations thanks to its great music.

All in all, I love the game and can't wait to see what comes next.