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Look, rock paper scissors is NOT stupid, ok? It’s just different. An attempt to add some goofiness to the game. That kind of stuff is completely in-line with a Japanese company. Japanese tv series are filled with weirdness like that lol
Ok, to the game. It’s hard af.
It’s from the 8-bit era when they believed a game should tax you physically and mentally. It’s not like modern games that hold your hand like they are ICO and you are the helpless girl tagging along with him.
Like many Master System games, it’s considerably more colorful than a typical NES game. The SMS could display like, around 10 extra colors on screen as compared to the NES.
I bring that up because Alex Kidd always looked so crisp and clear compared to say, Super Mario Bros, the game he was made to compete with.
He got several sequels, but honestly none are as good as the first.
I’m glad to say my nostalgia glasses did not fail me. In fact, I’ve managed to get further now than I did as a kid.
Honestly, Alex Kidd just seems like a Hudson Soft character.
Anyways, go. Play. Enjoy your slice of the gaming pie