One of those games that's broken in a handful of ways and has its fair share of just unfun portions.
But it's somehow just really appealing anyway. Sometimes stuff just clicks in spite of the negatives.

Pretty weak story with occasional cool character bits that mix in with how the characters relate to their culture and history. Those moments gave me some overall hope for where the game would go, but they feel kind of few and far between.
Actual gameplay was honestly a pretty relaxing time and hits a solid baseline if ya like exploring wrapped up with puzzles and battlin'. Can't say there were ever many highlights though.

Music was a banger up until I quit though, by far the best part of the experience.

Solid if sometimes underbaked ideas. Generally tend to not vibe with FE too much, but had a solid time with some of the thematics and character beats. But as per usual, just didn't feel like there was enough meat to get as into it as I would've wanted. But I get I'm playing a strategy game with characters and small story beats rather than a story game with a strategy game attached.

Some incredibly strong story chapters that really appeal to what makes Fate work. At its best, the main story chapters feature engaging and powerful character writing set across great thematic and physical landscapes. The best of these chapters have an intense sense of rising action as ya ride towards the climax. These are what you play FGO for and why the early story chapters are worth getting through.

At the same time, has a bunch of incredibly whatever event stories that don't usually amount to much more than assorted characters showing up for jokes and light storytelling that doesn't go nearly hard enough to land. Even if they're occasionally fun little breathers, they ultimately end up feeling like wastes of time that don't really compare favorably to Fate's other lighter experiences. I largely just ignore most of them nowadays, save the rare event that has more to it. And I'll largely argue that most of the Gudaguda events are actually a pretty fun mix of goofy and serious content.

Oh, and there's gameplay too, I guess. It's fine. Sprites look better than most other mobile games. I like when story bits influence the battles. Actual battle system isn't bad. That's about it.

Even with the many highlight cases Ace Attorney has had over the years, the Great Ace Attorney is the complete experience. Can confidently say its my favorite entry in the series.

Surprisingly solid little experience. Kind of rudimentary compared to the tricks the VN's it was inspired by play, but still had some fun ideas that played well with the formula. Thankfully a shorter experience though, since not totally convinced it had the legs to go on for too long. Bonus points for the poetry sections, dug those in general.

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Probably my favorite of the franchise. Some lower lows compared to the first game, but largely higher highs. More highlight characters than the first game and a more compelling lead. Case 5 continuing the trend of bein' completely wild but more so.