FromSoftware, also known as the Dark Souls studio finally decided to transfer their newest addition to the Souls-Games franchise (Elden Ring) into the Open-World genre, and what can I say? They absolutely nailed it by creating arguably on of the richest Open-World games to ever exist.While it doesn't hold you by your hand and guides you through the entire game, instead it forces you to do real exploration. You don't have a quest book and the game doesn't tell you the difference between side and main quests. All you need to do is explore this vast and rich world full of deadly bosses and enemies. There are so many beautiful and interesting areas to discover with over 80+ bosses plus many dungeons for you to find. You need to pay extra attention to what the npcs are saying because they will not repeat some lines that are important for quests. The combat system is basically an upgrade from the previous souls titles with many more weapons to acquire and builds to create. In conclusion, Elden Ring is a MUST-PLAY masterpiece that you should definetly try even if you are a new player to the Souls-Like games genre.

Probably the best short game I have ever played and one of the most unique and beautiful games with a relaxing set of soundtracks.