Adds basically nothing over the original, makes unnecessary changes to some enemies and characters, has worse voice acting and music, awful enemy redesigns, and a very generic art style that doesn't hold a candle to the originals.

The improvements to the first game's save system were nice, and the new levels+bonus rounds were well done. However, I find the original art style and music superior to the remake's.

An unfinished and buggy game filled to the brim with soul. Despite development hell Traveller's Tales managed to create a unique installment to the series with platforming and exploration combined with the best and greatest soundtrack (courtesy of Spiralmouth) in a Crash game.

This game marks the first time Lex Lang took over as Dr. Cortex and he absolutely chews the scenery almost every time focus is placed on him.

Takes the original game and improves it in basically every way. Graphics and design are beautiful, and the lighting and atmosphere are some of the most well crafted and haunting in gaming.

Came for the porn, stayed for the story and characters.

Don't act like you don't like the Ball Buster!

The best open world design I've ever encountered in a video game. A grounded setting filled with interesting factions led by memorable voice actors, fighting proxy wars against each other through well crafted contracts. The Deck of 52 bounty system makes excellent use of the open world while also tying together the overall plot with the game world, creating a seamless connection between the open sandbox and the game's narrative.

Closest thing to a perfect game I've played.