Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 8, 2023

First played

December 3, 2023

Platforms Played


A platformer by sickos, for sickos. The movement strikes a remarkable balance of making the game feel like pure chaos while still giving you fairly precise control of your character. The level design, art, and music are constantly throwing new ideas and twists at you, and even if they don't all work well they at least don't overstay their welcome. My opinion is definitely influenced by the soft spot I have for the hyper-expressive children's cartoons that the graphical style uses as inspiration.

My biggest criticisms are that, as much as I love playing this game, it makes me feel exhausted after an hour or two. There's just so much going on and it can be demanding on your hands. Also, I like that the game is actually fairly easy to get through if you disregard score, and I wish that extended to the boss battles. The bosses are pretty tough, and it'd be cool if you could opt to skip their later phases in return for lowering or capping your score.