Rather decent short game having a lot of themes reminiscent of other episodes. The worldchanging, the psychological horror. This game even touches rather heavily on themes of suicide which is rather risky. Aside from the FMV sections which I found to be totally out of character, I truly enjoyed this little stint into the minds of the Silent Hill team. The monster design is great also!

Fun little Disney themed scrabble game. Serviceable to kill some time now and then. No IAP’s thanks to it being on Apple Arcade. Just finished the main campaign but i’ll keep playing against my SO.

This has been the definitive pinball experience for years. I have it installed permanently on my iPad for years and come back to it regularly. The huge amount of well conceived tables keep the game fun and fresh.

This ghost story won’t break the mould but thanks to its production values it’s a fun experience to be had together with some friends. Quite a few jumpscares too! Looking forward to the other episodes in the anthology.

The second episode in the Dark Pictures anthology focuses on a small time village lost in the woods. There’s more than one obvious nod to Silent Hill 2 to be found here. The story mixes witchcraft and personal trauma but never really succeeds in delivering the gutpunch we want from such themes. The acting here is in my opinion worse than the previous episode. Some characters seem oblivious to the danger at hand while others in the same situation are overacting. All in all a pleasant 6hour ride played in co-op on the couch with my girlfriend.

House of Ashes is clearly the best episode in The Dark Pictures Anthology up to that point. The character development is great and the story is much more cohesive than it’s more ethereal predecessors. Mix some Lovecraft, Predator and the Descent and you got this gem of an interactive horror movie. I’m looking forward to the last episode of season 1!

A surpisingly deep strategy game disguised in lollypop colors. I had a great time with it but I could not get over the very exuberant world dressing. The mazelike levels are all over the place and the story is terrible. The only reason I gave this game 4 stars and kept on playing was the very solid gameplay.

I’m a sucker for all things Lovecraft and thus I had to try this “choose your own adventure”. The premise is simple enough: you’re a detective looking for a lost girl in the town of Innsmouth. The game’s writing is often funny and translates the Lovecraftian atmosphere well. However it couldn’t hold my interest for long. There seem to be more than 20 possible endings but I completed only 2 of them, each one taking me about one hour. The branches in the storyline are multiple but I rapidly grew tired of replaying/reading passages.

The last episode of season 1 is a classic tale about a serial killer horror house based on the myth of H H Holmes. The games are becoming more effective throughout the season. This last one perfects the formula further. The game relies this time less on QTE’s which is a good thing.

A great game for short sessions, What the Golf is a game that relies heavily on it’s surprising twists on the classic golf concept. The physics based challenges can be enjoyed in short bursts and will regularly put a smile on your face.

I forced myself to continue playing until the end of the first act (27 hours). I wanted so much to like this game but it just doesn’t click. The production value is top notch. I recognize that this is a wet dream for old school JRPG lovers but I had a hard time getting invested into it. The game is just so extremely easy. Even now at the end of act 1 I was still rolling over ennemies and bosses. Thus, all the abilities, equipment, shops mean nothing. It’s a shame they put such an amount of content in a game just to have it spoiled because you don’t need anything of it. I know there’s the Draconian options to remedy this but I don’t see myself throwing all that gameplay time out of the window 😕

I completed this game back in the time on PS3. Having watched the HBO series I felt compelled to play the remake and it didn’t dissapoint! This really is a masterclass in storytelling and furtive gameplay. I always had a weak spot for stealth games and on higher difficulties the game is truly a gem. The survival aspect is magnified and you can’t just kill all infected or soldiers you stumble upon. It’s all about saving your munitions for the moments where you can’t avoid a confrontation. Add to this the truly remarkable makeover they did on the PS3 game. The worldbuilding is really incredible. Top it up with some of the most hearthfelt characters you’ve encountered in years and I can only conclude that this is a masterpiece of a game!

I gave this game a fair try but even after 5 hours I can’t be bothered to set my quest further. At first the artstyle and premise of the game attracted me. I’m a sucker for meteoidvania games but this one is just badly made. The leveldesign is bland, the gameplay is boring and the enemies are uninspired. I’m playing Guacamelee 2 now which is leagues better.