everthing was going smooth, then i have erase pieces

Shitposting bring me to one of the most over the top games i've ever played, mexican raiden is something i'll never forget

Incredible demo, waiting for more

wait, no, that wasn't half as bad, for a porn game

my brain is not braining, i get dizzy playing these

guns goes brrrrr, enemy goes sploooosh, everything goes boooom, and my brain goes yaaaaay

i hate this, but i can't stop fucking playing, help, i have 150 games in my backlog, but i keep coming back to this game, i've bought so many skins, im sure 1/4 of my soul now is riot's property. Since I started playing, a part of my world just became this game, suddenly people around me also plays it, everything are references to League, this is a prison, a social prison, even if i don't play for month, i end up coming back, i have a toxic relationship with this game, i have around 30 games installed in my PC that i want to play, but i always end up opening this, this is not a review, is a cry for help.

Gwen and illaoi besto waifus.