Please, if someone for some reason is reading this review before playing this game, play the DS version, later in replays yu can play them in pc or other consoles

Fear trans women, they can triple jump IRL

part of "the games i played as a teenager because my computer didn't run shit" collection

Never trust someone who says this is their favorite game

Great game, i wish japanese people were real

if being gay was illegal in the ace attorney universe, 2/3 of the cast would be in jail

The pinnacle of narratives exclusives to video games, the story is so well executed, the escape rooms are fun to play, and the foreshadowing makes at least another replay valuable

"your past actions don't define yourself, the most important thing to do is be the one who can help when people need you the most... also, tits, tits, tits, sex, tits"

one of the best stories in the saga, being released in a bundle outside of japan was the best idea capcom had

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you are a child, playing a puzzle game, the story is getting to a climax, the funny professor that solves puzzles takes a sword, now life is good

I mean... At least we have an ending to the trilogy

Biblically accurate christian child

darkness darkness light darkness friends xenahort light darkness

this game is so mexican que cambio el idioma de esta reseña al español

i have this game twice, not because is that good, but because some mf hacked into my ps account a bought it for 6 bucks a year ago, and i didn't realize it until today, f that guy, 10/10 game