This is a genuine example of what RGG is truly capable of when it comes to contained story DLC and I hope more than anything it slowly becomes the norm (although after seeing much of LaD8's DLC we still have a ways to go) for Yakuza and Yakuza-centric games moving forward.

This is a good 6-8 hour integrated story for Kaito, lovingly written and beautifully executed; clearly RGG have mastered diluting the 60-80 form into 6-20 hours between this and Gaiden from how the skill and revised experience systems work, to how they manage to fill the environment with life and, most importantly, how they managed to contain what would ordinarily be a 13 chapter epic down to its base components in 4.

I loved every second of this DLC. I know RGG can do better past the (redeemable in some ways) controversy of recent cosmetic and "easy mode" item hauls and truly expand the worlds of Kamurocho, Yokohama, Ijincho and now Hawaii. Please let The Kaito Files be the constant going forward in 2024 and not the exception.

That being said, goddamn welcome to the longest tail quest in Judgement history, holy shit.

Played on PS5; figured this was worth adding on for The Big Swell, the postgame dungeon and fan service substory. Very solid dungeon to really test skills on a first playthrough and a very fair experience leverage that never feels like it leaves you underlevelled or overlevelled by floor 5.

Some of the toughest fights in the game (floor 3 springs to mind) and the fan service cutscenes are fun to watch and a breath of fresh air to break up the monotony of near nonstop battles.

Now I know that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's subtitle is in reference to the absolute quarter hogger this fucking game is.

Extremely primitive and often frustrating (given that it plays using a lot of the Virtua Fighter series' mechanics, such as the ability to only focus combat on one enemy at a time), but admittedly it's genuinely nice to see an Arcade precursor 7 years prior to what Yakuza's battle system would become.

At first, Infinite Wealth feels like it's trying to take on way too much, ambitiously trying to tell both an Ichiban and Kiryu story at once. As such, around the mid-game there are a lot of substories that are precariously juggled and feel very fragile; however, once everything meets its eventual climax, I think this might be my genuine favourite in the series to date.

I love everything about this game deep to my core. I love how the battle system is better fleshed out and requires more strategy in the endgame. I love how dungeons only take you so far in grinding and that there isn't a save-all like Robo-Michio in Yakuza 7. I love how lovingly Ichiban's resurgence is written. I love how Kiryu feels like a human being and not just some old invincible legend.

Most importantly I love Like a Dragon and its surrounding series. Boy is it a good time to be a Yakuza fan. And goddamn OG Kiryu fans have been eating well the last 6 months.

I keep daring 'em to outdo their final chapter... I keep BEGGING 'em to outdo it... and somehow, every goddamn time, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio manage to do it. This is the absolute epitome of everything they've managed to learn over the course of 16 beautiful years.

The amount of times I've beaten this thanks to the Yakuza series and yet somehow I never thought to log it!

This is honestly a hard RGG game to grade; on one hand its gameplay is both reminiscent and so far away from what the core gameplay of Like a Dragon main entry games established at the point of its original release. I love that this game finally made its way almost 10 years later to an international audience but also understand almost fully why the decision to take the plunge took as long as it did also, as well as why Kenzan might take even longer, if ever.

Look, I know a lot of people outside of Japan don't understand enough of Japanese history to consider something like this fruitful, but maybe investing time and money into something they love will help to make them understand by virtue of research and the actual account of Sakamoto Ryoma himself. Even if it means screaming "I know that guy!" every time a Yakuza household face comes on the screen.

My only significant issue is that this game suffers from a lot of the issues present in Yakuza 3, albeit most of them for optional activities. Foremost is the pure grinding of ryo and materials just to meet a single weapon thread to its completion; by the end even with all DLC I just barely managed to meet the requirements for a single gun and sword even with a significant amount of farming (figuratively and literally). Another of these points is the objectively difficult arena mode, which seems to only exist to punish you in the feeble hopes of being a manageable way to get high level materials and ryo.

A lot of this translates to the difficulty of the side content, in that you're expected to grind experience and "orbs" to individually press into each style with the expectation to finally meet a certain master one last time just to beat him. I'm sorry, but every single account I've seen has said that the grind is not even remotely enjoyable and far less reasonable, so forgive me when I say I end my journey at level 47; I seriously don't even want to push to the level 50 trophy at this point.

You know... I was always dubious about catching up with the RGG series knowing how different it was and that the main focus would be on a new protagonist.

As I finally caught up with the series after a long hiatus in November 2023 on the way to being able to finally be in the current with Gaiden, I loved every second of this. That being said, there was always one thing keeping me from giving this the perfect 10 I only once gave Yakuza 0 previously (not to say that RGG isn't consistent, just that there were always minor niggles).

That one thing was the emotional attachment. Up until now, every single entry of this incredible main series made me bawl like a baby in some way or another and I was worried I'd be left feeling slighted, knowing that I rate RGG much more highly on a curve than any other game as it has such a warm place in my heart.

Then the ending happened. And the floodgates opened. God I fucking love this franchise.

Actually played on PS4, which I guess doesn't exist so nearest comparison I suppose; anyway this is the very absolute definition of a coin muncher. Hardly fun when you're dying every which way but at least it isn't one of those Arcade shmups that start you over on the stage every continue.

I suppose that this is honestly kind of revolutionary given the original arcade release was in 1986, in a time where active continues were quite frankly almost non-existant in arcade shmup fare. That being said, it doesn't stop the game being near-extortionate in stealing quarters to the average player at the time, from the complete absense of respawn frames to the sheer boredom of fighting the same two bosses over and over again with only minor differences. You're given 3 lives but given the lack of any invulnerability reprireve in the middle of action a continue can quite literally last 30 seconds.

This is something only truely playable in a setting such as this where the monetary value is only a single purchase; even then this is one of the most frustrating complete arcade experiences I can think of in recent memory.

This wouldn't be such a bad beat 'em up to start the Playstation's life cycle in Japan if it wasn't for the mollasses walking speed and the Arcade-esque unfairness with traps and certain enemies like the "Freddy"s.

I saw that people have 1cc'd this on YouTube, all the power to them I guess!

I had to take a shit in the middle of this game and ran out of toilet paper... It was still a more enjoyable experience. Also 90% of the facts in the usual second half were about just lettuce, which is fitting because that's all you ever taste in an actual salad.

Jumping Series best 2023 no virus Punjabi

I picked this up if only to ensure that I will never ever meet a game this year that will ever meet the absolute rock bottom that games of this ilk ever will. I get it: "why buy this piece of self-serving, lazy, shovelware, exploitative trash to make a point?

The only answer I have for you is that someone else took the time to acknowledge its existence here, just as someone presumably different did for every other abominable shitheap.

If my ignoble meager contribution to this "developer" means anything at all it's that no matter how bad 2023's further offerings get, there's always the harsh and cold reality that gaming's climate can always get much worse and that PSN, Xbox Live, the Nintendo store, Steam and every other marketplace you can think of for gaming will always proliferate the consumption of quantity over quality when it comes to a cosmetic trophy or point value, no matter the cost.

Genuinely fun for something so simplistic , especially as a 2600 launch title. Since there's not much bread and butter for objectives bar the 25 lap 2-player mode, I decided to set lap/score targets for the 60 second and "Crash N' Score" modes to justify it as "completed".