Another average to below average AC game from Ubisoft. The setting is one of the best in the franchise, but the stripped back parkour, characters you can't connect with, basic story and boring gameplay hold it back from being anything memorable overall.

"I'm a stand-up kinda guy!" this quote will haunt my dreams, anyone platinuming this game knows my pain.

Multiplayer is beautiful and one of the best crafted experiences you can have in FPS games even today. Immersive, superb map variety (even more so with the DLC if you get a rare chance to play it), progression based purely on gameplay...2016 was a good time when this game dropped.

A surprisingly in depth game with a lot more build variety than I could've expected.

It does fall into the classic Soulsbourne/like trap of having the most tedious enemies towards the end of the game to artificially pad difficulty but other than that, the level design, enemy variety and boss experiences were all really varied and fun to play through.

Simple game akin to Untitled Goose Game from years ago. Fun and relaxing to play for a couple hours with a ton of easy achievements to collect if you're an achievement hunter. Took me 5 hours to do everything.

This is the one game I'll never understand any praise for, it's the one hill I'm willing to die on that it's truly terrible.

The map is huge simply for the sake of padding playtime, it's nothing but copy/pasted assets with a complete lack of variety in biomes. I get it's Greece, but sunny weather and grassy fields gets boring the tenth time you've galloped through one, let alone the hundredth.

The side content is thin and lacklustre, nothing but fetch quests and "go here and clear camp" repeated so many times I lost count.

The story is just average, though I'd probably have enjoyed it more if the game wasn't pushed as an AC game and just a spartan game instead.

I put 150 hours into this to get every achievement, and I'm going to think about that on my deathbed and how I could've spent that time better.

Never thought I'd buy this game, let alone have it as my GOTY at any point in time, this shit goes unfathomably hard and it's by far the best new release I've played this year.

While the story isn't anything special, the lore itself is interesting enough to urge you to continue pushing through if you are enough about the story beats.

The gameplay though...incredible. This is an action game through and through, the parrying never gets old and the combos are such fun to pull out even against the most basic enemies. It's flashy, satisfying and the learning curve is balanced enough to where you WANT the next boss you face to be based around parrying, just so you can test yourself.

Played this for the first because of the show, pleasantly surprised by how well it had held up. Getting used to VATs was nowhere near as clunky as I thought it'd be.

Comparing this game to my experience with Starfield is quite sad honestly, I want to love Bethesda like I did when they released Skyrim...they just aren't the same as they were from 2008-2011.

Decent main story, great side content and variety of characters, and DLCs that provide different experiences from the base game, definitely worth trying if you've never played it before.

Going through my backlog (heh) and trying to recall stuff about games I didn't log instantly after beating them, a lot of things I remember about this are supririsngly negative.

The story felt rushed, especially in the final few hours of an already short main story. Characters desperately needed more fleshing and time to develop, especially for such an important villain in Spidey's development as a hero.

Side content wasn't as memorable or fun as the first game either, cycling back to stuff that unlocks in the final few hours of the felt very tacked on even if it made sense narratively.

Other things that come to mind, core gameplay was as good as the first game, but the gadgets felt less fun to use and abilities didn't have as much variety.

Positivity wise, great voice acting across the board, very high quality cutscenes, traversal is top tier and probably the best I've experienced in video games.

The sense of wonder this game provides is incredible. Everytime you think you're running out content to play, the map expands and you've got another 10 hours of gameplay in front of you.

Great progression system that rewards exploration and simply playing the game, combining that with fun gameplay and enemies to fight.

That said, I do feel like some of the fun from the game comes from the community passion and pseudo-roleplaying. The game has very annoying issues (at least on PS5) with inputs simply not registering (healing, trying to go from prone to standing after a dive) which has led to me dying countless times.

A lot better than I was expecting it to be. While the open world content and side missions are nowhere near the same quality as Rocksteady's previous entry in the Arkham franchise...I found the story to be enjoyable and MAKE SENSE.

This game has been run absolutely ragged by an unfair hate train focused solely on the fate of a certain character, clearly by people that haven't even played the game.

The fate of said character makes complete sense within the context of the events of the story, and is clearly set up to be expanded upon in future seasons.

This game man....while other games have have made me feel all types of emotions, none of them have been as raw and real as this one.

Cyberpunk 2077 feels real to me, the characters, Night City, everything that exists in the world CDPR created just feels like it actually exists. They did such a superb job with the animation work, the little things characters do in every scene just adds such depth to them.

10/10. Witcher 3 was not a fluke by CDPR, they're truly one of the best in the industry and THE best in certain areas. Can't wait to see what they create next.

Incredibly faithful adaptation that went above and beyond to replicate what made the original so good, even surpassing it in some ways.

The sound design and ambience are stand outs, the tension is always there even when the enemies have kinda lost their scare factor towards the end of the game.

A great game hampered by terrible performance issues (when I played).

Character development was superb, and the gameplay was better than the first installment although not by as big of a margin than I thought it would be.

Story was pretty good as well, interesting antagonist whose lore was always something I was looking forward to learning about.

Overall, would've been 4 stars but the performance issues were that bad for me, that it made the gameplay so much harder than it should have been.

This technically isn't my first experience with the game, only my first time playing the Blood and Wine expansion, but it has solidified this game as my favourite of all time.

130 hours of so many emotions, ranging from pure wonder to immense sadness when it ends. The game that tops this one will have to be one that's truly special, and part of me hopes it never happens.